Chapter 7

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"y/n will you go to Disney with me, Kat, Sam, Tara, Jake, and shea?" Colby asked me. I grabbed a mickey ear and put it on and ran and hugged him. "Yes!" I replied. He picked me up and spinned me around. "Alright! Let's pack this Disney stuff up and head to Disneyland!!" Colby said putting me down. We packed up and got in the car. Sam and Kat were in the front of the car and me, Colby, and Shea were in the back. Colby was in the middle and Shea was flirting with him which got me annoyed but Colby payed attention to me instead of Shea. Tara and Jake were riding in another car. We were jamming out to why don't we and we finally made it to the Disney resort. Kat, Tara, and I were jumping up and down squealing. The boys copied us making us all laugh while Shea was weirdly quiet. "Ok Kat and I are in a room, Tara and Jake, and Colby, y/n, and Shea are sharing a room." Sam said as we grabbed our bags. Great I have to share a room with Shea. Shea hates my guts, after she introduced herself she texted me saying to back off Colby. We walked in our room and we looked at it in awe. "Ok Colby and I are sleeping on the bed and y/n is sleeping on the couch." Shea said mean. "UMM I want to sleep in the bed with y/n. I am more comfortable with her." Colby said as I smiled. Shea rolled her eyes and unpacked. Thanks I mouthed to Colby. Your welcome he mouthed back. Colby and I started unpacking. "Hey Colby, want to go to the club with me?" Shea said wearing a tight black dress. "No, I am ok. I will stay here." Colby said looking at me. "Ugh fine. Have no fun losers." Shea said walking out. "Jeez what is her problem" I said unpacking the Disney stuff and chargers that were left. "Ikr!" Colby said plugging in his phone. Just to have fun, I threw my hoodie at him. "Oh did you just go there?" Colby said smirking. "Yes I did." I said smiling. Colby picked me up and put me on his shoulder. "Colby put me down!!!" I yelled laughing so hard it hurt. "If you say so." Colby said then lightly throwing me on the bed. I stood up and started playfully wrestling him. He wrestled back. "OK, ok you win. I can't breathe because I am laughing so hard." Colby said out of breath. "HA!" I yelled and we both laughed. We continued playing around and we heard the door open. "OMG PILLOW FIGHT!!" Kat yelled running with Sam, Tara, and Jake running behind. WE each grabbed a pillow and started fighting. It was girls against boys. Tara was aiming for Jake, Kat was aiming for Sam, and I was aiming for Colby. I then accidently hit Colby in the face. "Oh my god! I am so so sorry!" I said kneeling down. "Don't worry it's ok!" Colby said getting up and laughing so hard he fell back down rolling on the floor. I laughed and Sam and Kat went to their rooms. Tara pulled me away and said "Jake told me Colby might make a move. So look out!" She smiled and hugged me. "Thanks for telling me! Good night Tara!" I said smiling more. "Goodnight y/n!" She said as her and Jake left. Shea walked in and she looked wasted. Colby and I were sitting on our bed and she said "Hey! Good night losers." She then laid down in the living room and fell asleep. The living room was in the room next to us but still in the same room if you know what I mean. Colby and I stayed up on Instagram and eventually we got tired so we decided to go to sleep. "Goodnight Colby" I said turning off the light. "Good night y/n" Colby said hugging me. I fell asleep and I felt Colby move closer. I can't wait to go to Disneyland tomorrow.

Thanks for reading this chapter and I love Shea so much but for the purpose of this story Shea will be mean but irl Shae is super nice. Time to skidaddle! 

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