Draco Malfoy one shot a Christmas Special

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I felt the iron glares in the back of my neck and sighed.

"He's staring at you again." murmured Pavartie looking over my shoulder at the table behind us.

"I know." I sighed not even needing to look.

"Want me to take care of him Bell?" offered Seamus. I grabbed his arm before he could get up.

"I'm ok just ignore him." I looked up into the tall boys eyes "Please?"

Slowly he sat back down.

"Message from the head master."

I really just wanted to go to sleep. I whined silently, turnin to face the first year and taking the slip.

"Thankd." I sighed knowing it wasn't dumbledor he would have just come down to see me no this was him.

"I'll be back see you guys later ok?" I asked.

"Have fun I'm so jealous." sighed Pavartie "Private lessons with the headmaster."

"Good luck!" called Seamus. I forced a weary smile and waved before exiting the almost empty great hall. Christmas vacation so far had been filled with this.

A hand grabbed my arm and yanked me into a secret passage behind a curtain I didn't scream well used to this by now.

"Yes Draco?" I sighed wearily what did he want to snap at me for now?

"Wh are you still hanging out with that finnegan!" I sighed ignorin his angry hiss as I leaned against the dark wall barely able to see his angry but gorgeous features in the dark.

"I said this yesterday its because he's my friend, it's Christmas vacation, there really aren't many people still here so choices are limited and because I enjoy his company."

"He's not your boyfriend Bell he's your ex. Your boyfriend is-"

"You I know." I sighed I was getting tired of this and sad too. "But that doesn't mean I can't hang out with other boys. I've already distanced myself from John because he was flirting with me."

"So what finnegan-"

"Is my best friend and yeah hes an ex gor a reason." i sighed crissing my arms as he place his hands on either side of my head againstthe wall.

"And he flirts." he retorted.

"Yeah well heaven forfend a guy might be interested in me and not hide it by sneaking around about it." I snorted mockingly.

"So you do like that little mud blood."

"Yeah as a friend." I scoffed "Remember I broke up with him because I liked you remember because I've always liked you."


"can't you trust me?" I demanded this was it if finally find out.

"But he's all over you whenever your together and probably in the common room too I'll bet." he looked sour.

"So you don't trust me." this hurt hurt bad.

"Of course not you have all these boys fawning all over you how could you not flirt back or make a move." he accused. A loud slap echoed through or small confined area. My hand stung from the force it had met his cheek with.

"You know what Draco. Your stupid the only boy I care about is you because I love you. You wanted our relationship to be a secret and I said yes I've done everything you've wanted and it's just made me miserable. I love you but Obviously though you can't feel the same way you've gone out of your way to make me miserable and destroy everything around me you didn't like without even asking my permission first. You hate Seamus but at least I don't flirt back and I tell him and any others no and to back off but what about you and Pansy parkinson huh? You are a hypocrite and I'm done with it. I love you but not when your like this I want my loving and caring Draco but your obviously not him. So we're through. Good bye Draco have a happy Christmas." I turned and stormed out without looking back. I wasnt even shocked when i saw seamus waiting in the common room waiting. I knew he had figured it out but didn't say anything so when he offered me tissues I just clung to him hit angry and pained tears pouring down my cheeks.

I sat at the gryffindor table watching the others enjoy themselves. Hell it's Christmas morning but that persistent little hole in my chest kept distracting me. Seamus was doing his best to distract me obviously ecstatic about our break up and I did my best but it was half hearted as he held the other half. I hadn't seen Draco for two days so I had no idea what he had been doing.

I sat Watching the others rotate and dance around Seamus having given up on getting me to fance had gone with Pavartie. My party dress was red silk and had beautiful Christmas designs to go with my white fur hat.

"May I have this dance." I froze for a moment incredulous before my heart sped up and I turned to see Draco bowing hand out stretched. His piercing blue eyes swayed me and blaming the fire whiskey I grabbed his hand nervously. I knew the others especially Harry and Ron were shocked to see me allow Draco to lead me into the christmas ball.

I studied him for a moment before allowing him to place his hand on my hips. I placed mine in the right hold allowing him to expertly guide me through the shocked dancers. Neither one of us said anything merely studied the others eyes. A new song had begun before he cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry." shock greater than any before flitted through me then slowly I nodded. For him that was incredibly hard I knew for him to be so sincere was difficult.

"Ok." i nodded slowly.

"Look I was jealous." the way he forced out the word made my lips twitch. "I shouldn't have been treating you like that and I was wondering if you would give me another go?"

I couldn't resist the smile as he pulled out a glass rose from his pants pocket.

"If you promise not to try and seperate me from the workd ever again." he nodded and I smiled leaning into his chest and gently squeezing his sides.

"Look up." he murmured. I did so and gasped lightly as I spotted mistle toe hanging above my head. My lips were soon covered by his warm ones. For being the prince of ice he sure had a heart melting kiss.

"Merry Christmas Draco." I mumbled breaking away before I got anymore weak kneed. he shook his head pulling away slightly to pull out a little wrapped box and placing it in my hands. I opened it as he watched me to discover not something that he bought just to show off how much money he had but a silver bracelet with a heart locket dangling from it inside nestled two pictures one of the two of us nose to nose lips just brushing as we smiled eyes closed the second a pic of him and I at christmas last year at the ball his parents had thrown. You couldn't see in the pic but I was Wrapped in his arms as we danced both of us smiling at the person taking it. We were laughing and dancing and as the pic was magic my person turned and pressed a kiss to his cheek causing him to blush but smile tenderly at me.

"Merry Christmas Bell baby." I blushed and smiled as he fastened it around my wrist surprised to see on the front was a small little ruby heart I had not noticed at the dent in the heart of the locket an emerald one right above it.

"I love you." this caught me by surprise but it felt wonderful to hear it and I wrapped my arms around his neck as he put his around my waist bending me against him.

"I love you too." I kissed him again swaying in the middle of the floor both of us oblivious to the stares and others as we danced completely entranced in each other and in the all too magical kiss.

Christmas Special One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now