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There are things we leave unsaid. I like you. Thank you for being part of my life. Hope your dreams come true. You're beautiful. Love you. Don't go. Stay. Goodbye.

There are things we wanted to say but were too afraid. There are things we were ready to say, but the world was afraid. There are goodbyes we were prepared for, but something happened ruining our great scheme to happy ending and moment was taken away and page was left unfinished.

Life is full of chances we let run away thinking we will catch them some other day; full of bravery we had but never used presuming some other time will be better time to show how great we are.

Life is passing by your past lover and pretending they never meant anything; Life is staying silent when you should say something; Crying in a room full of people who only see a smile plastered on your face and assume you must be happy if there are no tears. And you don't object; Life is leaving and waiting, sometimes seems more time is spent breaking than healing. Life is waking to new sun rise and believing you will be braver today than you were yesterday. Life is a dance. With no partner. Chase from yourself hoping, like it is possible, to find something better in someone else.

At the end of the day, life is millions of things, millions of thoughts, millions of feelings.

It can be good. Not so good. Sad. Hard. Painful. Mean. Hurtful. But i don't believe there is a single sentence of our lives in which complicated can't be used instead of bad.

We draw. Dance. Write. Invent. Sing. To forget. We all dream. And scream. It is not until you are in a room full of people and miss emptiness and comfort of your own solitude because there you never felt this lonely; in classroom full of children, friends, who don't notice you did not laugh with them at joke that was made; on the floor of dirty unfamiliar bathroom; that you realize no one hears you. It is in that moment, a moment which is not beautiful or brilliant, but ugly and mournful and hopeless, that all the words you never said but wanted come back to you and now they all seem so easy and fears look so silly compared to monsters than proved real. Why did we let our fear silence us when life would find a way to bring us down anyway?


We are all the same. We all come from the same place. We all have poetry in our veins. And tears that run for names we will never betray.

Dear, I hope you know I care.



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