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AN://: there will be smut here i will put a warning and doyoung gets a back story of course!

taeyong was eating outside and enjoying how everything was so calm, he didn't have to worry about doyoung or school and all he could do is be free all by himself however, he does miss his friends and he knew they missed him too.

he hears someone walk out towards him "hey, why're you out here all by yourself?" jaemin asks sitting down next to him "i just wanted freedom from the world and this seemed like the right thing to do" taeyong answers honestly.

"is something bothering you?" jaemin asks eating one of taeyong's apple slices "do you think it's weird to still have feelings for s-someone who stalked you?" taeyong feels his appetite go away why do i still have feelings for doyoung?

jaemin looks up at the sky "it's sort of like stockholm syndrome" jaemin looks at taeyong "did something happen to you?" and taeyong tears up a little "i-i feel attracted to someone who stalked me" taeyong says feeling confused.

jaemin listens to him not knowing what to say and taeyong continues "i-i don't know what to do" and jaemin wants to help him, he wants to tell him it's okay but even jaemin doesn't know if thats for sure.

1 day later..

they say their goodbyes and leave off and taeyong isn't ready to face doyoung, what is he going to say to him oh.. i know you stalk me but it's okay because i like you? taeyong feels stupid for not knowing a way out of this, he turns back to look the direction jaemin's house was maybe i should've just stayed there.

at taeyong's house..

taeyong unpacks as his mom walks in "i'm going to the store do you want anything?" she asks "can you get me some juice please? taeyong asks pouting and she winks at him "fine but don't drink it all in one go, and please watch your sister" she says walking out of him room closing the door.

taeyong lays down on his bed reaching to grab his phone when he hears something thrown at his window "seriously who keeps throwing stuff at my window?" he opens it and sees doyoung standing outside his window.

"w-what are you doing here?" taeyong says backing up from the window but doyoung sees that as a chance to get in, taeyong stops him as he steps in "n-no doyoung g-get out" taeyong says pushing doyoung away from him.

doyoung grabs taeyong's chin "baby why're you mad at me?" doyoung looks at him and taeyong blushes why must i still like him..
"n-nothing just l-let me go" he says and doyoung hugs him.

why did taeyong not want doyoung to leave, he wanted him to be here with him, he should be screaming at him to leave and confronting him but he couldn't, and he didn't know why

"i'm so sorry for whatever i did" doyoung says holding his waist "i missed you in class" doyoung says gently pushing taeyong back until he's laying back on his bed "whatever i did- i'm so sorry taeyong, and i'll make it up to you" doyoung says cupping his cheeks.

why do i feel those stupid butterflies again..
"d-doyoung i-" taeyong starts only to be interrupted by a kiss.

taeyong knows doyoung stalks him, yet here he is.. kissing him, for some reason he wants to forgive him, he wants doyoung to make him forget what he saw, he wanted doyoung.

2 minutes later..

the kiss gets hungrier, doyoung is laying on top of taeyong moving his hands all over taeyong's body, doyoung pulls away as he starts to suck taeyong's neck leaving marks, taeyong doesn't understand any of this, his mind doesn't want doyoung but his body is on fire when doyoung touches him.

taeyong was thinking way too much without feeling doyoung lifting his shirt and kissing up his torso but he stops at taeyong's nipple as he stares up at taeyong who has his eyes shut tightly waiting for what's next.

doyoung sucks his nipple, and taeyong lets out the sluttiest moan doyoung has ever heard "d-doyoung we should s-stop ahn-" taeyong arches up feeling that heat in his stomach again, but doyoung continues to play with his nipples giving both of them equally enough love and taeyong has had enough..

the front door opens..

"taeyong! i'm back, can you come help me?" his mom yells, and taeyong stops moaning and bites his lip "d-doyoung g-get off" he tries to push him off but doyoung only continues to play with his nipple "mmh-" taeyong moans quietly.

"taeyong? did you hear me?" his mom now says knocking at his door as doyoung starts palming taeyong and taeyong wants to moan so bad "y-yes ngh- i'm c-coming!" he covers his mouth from moaning any louder as his eyes roll to the back of his head "f-fu- ah- I'm g-gonna-" taeyong cums in his pants and doyoung gets up "you still mad at me?" he says to him.

taeyong glances at him "what are you doing? hide!" taeyong gets up taking off his pants as he cleans himself, doyoung hides in the bathroom as taeyong walks out with a new pair of pants.

"taeyong i'm already almost done with the groceries" she stares at him "what's that on your neck?" she waves at him to come closer and he blushes "a bruise, me and jaemin were playing too hard" he says remembering that doyoung is in his room.

"mom i'm really exhausted, can i go back in my room?" taeyong asks trying to leave quickly "yes? are you sure you're alright? your lips are swollen too? did you eat something bad?" his mom questions, " i'm alright mom, seriously" taeyong says backing up slowly trying to walk away "okay but tell me if anything happens" she says starting dinner.

taeyong runs in his room "doyoung are you still here?" he asks trying not to sound to excited by him being here, doyoung walks out of his bathroom "i'm still here" doyoung walks out and taeyong suddenly remembers why all of this sneaking even happened.

"doyoung why- why do you have pictures of me naked in your house?" taeyong asks a little anxious of his answer, doyoung face straightens "you saw those?" he asks with a soft voice "y-yes? and i wanna know why you're stalking me" taeyong asks nervously.

"it all started when i saw you at a party.."

flashback to jeno's birthday party..

taeyong's dancing with johnny with a drink in his hand and doyoung instantly fell in love, he started thinking about marrying him all in the time span of just seeing him.

"you like that freshman?" taeil says drinking the liquid from his cup "maybe, i find him attractive what's the big deal?" doyoung says eying the way taeyong moves his hips to the beat of the song..

"isn't that jeno's boyfriend's cousin?" taeil says not looking at any of them since he sees them as kids "jeno is single.. and i don't know" doyoung takes another sip as he sees johnny grab taeyong's waist, grinding on him.

he sets his cup down planning to watch his every move..

end of flashback..

doyoung looks away from taeyong "i just wanted to talk to you" doyoung says putting his hands in his pocket "but one thing led to another and i- i started following you and i started taking pictures of you- i know it's wrong but i just.. i realized it was wrong too late" doyoung stares at taeyong in disappointment.

"y-you could've just talked to me" taeyong frowned, doyoung tries to walk up to him but taeyong scoots back a little "i-i don't know what i feel f-feel for you, i want to do things with you but- i can't" taeyong says going against what his heart says.

"taeyong please i-i was wrong i know but i can fix-" doyoung grabs taeyong's hand but taeyong snatches his hand back "no.. i need to let you go, p-please get out of my house" taeyong says wiping his tears with his sleeve and doyoung starts crying too "taeyong don't do this to me, i'll take everything down i'll-" doyoung starts, getting interrupted "doyoung get out!" taeyong yells at him.. why was this so hard to do?

taeyong watches him leave from out his room going through the window, and he lays down and sobs as his mom calls him for dinner.

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