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taeyong gets up to take a warm shower, it's only been a day since they took doyoung but yet to him it felt like forever

he starts getting dressed and he sees a hoodie that belonged to doyoung he sadly smiles as he puts on the hoodie smiling since it smelled like him

yuta stirs awake "what're you doing?" he says trying to fix his bed hair and taeyong puts his hood on ignoring his question 

"i think we should hang out with the group today" yuta says getting up to shower "sure i guess, i need something to do" taeyong says getting up to change his pants

they ended up at a burger place, everyone was there including a new dude that was on mark's lap

taeyong felt awkward he didn't want to talk to johnny right now, doyoung was gone and he didn't want to have to tell anyone that, especially someone who has a crush on him

"we haven't been out in awhile" mark says holding the random dudes hand as yuta and taeyong sit down

johnny laughs "we all have our own things to do, so let's just enjoy this moment together" johnny says while staring at taeyong "mark seems like you've got busy, who's this?" yuta says staring at the pair "oh! this is my boyfriend, haechan" he says smiling at him

taeyong feels happy for them, him and mark has butt heads a lot lately but he didn't see that as a reason to purposely hate on his relationship, especially since he was so happy

johnny claps for him "all grown up huh?" he says smiling at mark as if that was his son, johnny looks at taeyong again "how're you doing, heard you weren't doing so well?" johnny says as their food gets there

taeyong really didn't want to even speak to johnny, something seemed fishy with him, one day he sees him with doyoung the next doyoung's gone

taeyong sighs "i'm okay" taeyong says avoiding contact with johnny "glad to see you're doing better, by the way i'm sorry for the other-" johnny says as taeyong interrupts him "can we not? just leave it alone" taeyong says focusing on his food as he slowly loses his appetite

yuta rubs his back as mark rolls his eyes "anyways, anyone else have any news?" mark says wanting to change the subject and yuta scoffs "dude what the hell is your problem?" yuta says growing furious at how mark is acting

"nothing it's just... do we always have to talk about taeyong's problems? it's getting annoying" mark says looking at yuta seriously

"are you fucking serious? instead of asking how he is, you decided to be a dick" yuta says getting angry, "you're barely with us! you're either gone or with johnny, at what point have you ever asked if he was okay?" yuta says crossing his arms in anger

taeyong didn't know why mark was acting so cold towards him, maybe he was right they talk about him too much, but it seemed like everyday something new was out to get him and it hurt that mark didn't see that

"m-mark's right, we should talk about something els-"taeyong tries but mark scoffs "oh now you're gonna fucking cry about it? cause that's all you do, you ruined the fucking group with your shitty sob stories" mark says yelling at him

yuta stands up "then leave! no one else has a problem with checking in on him! you're being an asshole, and that's real rich coming from you because we brought you in when you were bullied, can't you see that he's hurting? i get it maybe we've all been distant or whatever but you don't come back and be a dick when we do have a chance to talk" he says yelling back at mark

taeyong believed mark, all he did this year was worry about himself and doyoung.. maybe he was a burden to this group.. would they be happier if he was gone

taeyong looked up and couldn't believe his friends were arguing about him and his selfishness, he loved yuta for trying to stick up for him but he couldn't help but think, why help him if mark was right all along..

johnny steps up "mark and yuta chill out, we're all friends there's no need to argue" johnny says trying to ease the arguing, mark looks at him "johnny don't even speak to me! you're the reason why he's even upset right now! yeah..why don't you tell him you called the cops?" mark says looking at johnny

taeyong felt his heart break, his mind told him that something about johnny was fishy but he wasn't prepared to hear that johnny was the reason doyoung was gone

"mark why would you-" johnny tries to say but taeyong interrupts him "i-it was nice seeing all of you again" he smiles as he walks out without sparing another glance at any of them

yuta looks at the two of them disappointed "you two are fucking assholes" yuta says following taeyong outside

mark looks at haechan who was smiling sadly at him, and he realized that maybe he shouldn't have said those harsh words.

AN://: :(( taeyong is a sad bby, do you guys think mark is right? or yuta? the next chapter will have a little self-harm so it will be a sad chapter, also this book is coming to an end sadly :( but hopefully i'll write a sequel! enjoy lovelies <3

𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐁𝐔𝐋𝐁 ➜ 𝐃𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐄Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin