Chapter 31

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Third Person POV

The three boys left Josie, all speechless and furious in the living room. She was fuming, pacing around the room. Eventually, when her legs began to hurt because of her heels, she sat.

She felt bad a little though for what she said at the end. A while later she got a text from Jake of the location of the club they were in. She decided to let it go and went in to grab a jacket but changed her mind at the last minute.

She was eighteen now and there was no way anyone she was letting anyone tell her what to do. She could very well take care of herself. She ignored the jacket, grabbed the car keys and made her way to a different club.

Meanwhile, about an hour later, the guys weren't really having that much fun in the club. Jordan didn't want to dance with anyone because to him that felt like he was cheating on his girlfriend and as it turns out, Justin wasn't ready to move on to other girls just yet.

Jake was the only one who made an attempt at dancing but he didn't really look like he was having that much fun. Justin and Jordan sat by the bar, both on their third shots.

Jake soon joined them though. "So this has been very boring", he said sliding on to a bar stool. "Yep", Jordan and Justin agreed in unison. A few girls approached them but they ignored them.

"Hey", Justin said, "do you guys feel like something is wrong?" "Actually yeah", Jake answered, "I've been feeling uneasy for a while now". "Must be a twin thing", Jordan said downing the remnants of his drink.

The twins gave him matching glares that made him roll his eyes dramatically. "Okay fine. I've been feeling kinda weird too".

"Maybe it's Josie", Justin said, "she should have been here a while ago". "Nah. If she isn't here, she's home. We're probably just sad she isn't here with us", Jordan disagreed.

"Why don't I just check to confirm", Jake said bringing out his phone. He tried to call her but she didn't answer. All boys then huddled closer to look as he opened the tracking app. He checked Josie's location and was surprised to see that it wasn't at the house.

They all started to panic. "Calm down guys", Justin said, "she could be at Maddy's or Tony's". "Well I'm pinpointing Josie's location now and she's at some place called Luke's", Jake said looking at both boys on either side of him. "It's a bar guys", he added.

On the other hand, Josie, who after checking her GPS found out that the closest club apart from the one the guys were in was too far decided to go to a bar. A part of her, the more sensible part, told her not to but of course, she didn't listen.

A bar could get rowdy and she was all alone but she decided that tonight, she was throwing caution to the wind. She got to the bar and tried to order her drinks. The bartender tried to hit on her. She felt too self conscious to dance within these strangers so she sat at a bar stool trying so hard to ignore the bartender's not so subtle attempt at flirting.

Soon a bunch of guys came along. These guys were scary looking, big, tall, really buff, complete with lots of piercings and tattoos. The biggest one even had a scar on his left eyebrow.

He took a seat next to her and she unconsciously moved back. "Hey baby", he said. His breath reeked of alcohol and that was when she noticed he was drunk. He tried to grab her hand but she pulled away almost immediately.

"Come on baby, don't be like that", he slurred, "my boys and I just wanna have a little fun. Name's Mark, what's yours?"

Josie started to get frightened but she didn't let it show. "Sorry, not interested", she said, "I came here with someone". She hoped that would make them leave her alone. Mark looked around. "I don't see anyone. Why don't you..."

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