Detention + Test = Not Cool!

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Lyon's POV
I followed diana in our next subject. Math. Aaarrrggh!! That's the subject that im worst on! How is diana suppose to like me?! We stopped in our tracks. I was trembling because gray said a newbie on every subject will stay here for the day and have a test. Me and Diana entered the room. We were welcomed by....test papers?! "Here the test in all of your subjects! Go to the library spend the rest of day there! And im gonna lock you both!!" Our teacher yelled at us. We entered the library. No one was there. Our teacher pushed us and locked the door outside. We sat beside each other and started answering the test. Diana put her headphones back in her ear. She's thinking something then answer. I can even hear her singing. Her voice is wonderful. I stared at her for a while. She looked at me. Her blue eyes. "Why are you not answering?" She asked. "Oh! Sorry! Im just nervous because a girl is singing beside me." I blushed. "You heard that?" She asked. I held her hand. "Yes! I heard your wonderful voice!!" I said im sparkling!! She leaned close to me. Must be looking for a kiss huh? I leaned close too. I held her waist and then we kissed. Man, she's a good kisser! We pulled back and stared at each other. "W-why did y-y-you do t-that?!" She asked. "You leaned forward! And i did it too!! So...we kissed! What's bad in there?" I asked. "Nothing! Its just....this is my first kiss!" First kiss?! Seriously?! I have kissed so many girls before! Like sherry , juvia by accedentally , and cheria by accendentally too!! "First kiss?! Do you ever have a boyfriend?" I asked. "No." She said. This beats me. How can she hear me with those headphones? "Uh. How can you hear me?" I asked. "I have an ear." She said. Man she got a point. "Yes i know you have an ear! But you have an headphones!" I said. "Oh! The volumes are a little low so i can hear you." She said. I leaned in and we kissed again. And now i kissed harsh she can still keep up. She is a good kisser.

Diana's POV
Lyon kissed harsh and im still keeping up. A lot of boys kissed me and said they wanna be my boyfriend but i refused. Actually im not really a good kisser but im just keeping up to lyon. Because if i dont keep up he'll call me weak! I guess. I tried to pull back he dont want me to. I stopped kissing and that made him pull back. "Why did you stop?" He asked. "Im not really good at it so i stopped." I crossed my arms. "What do you mean? youre a good kisser!" He smiled. "We need to amswer these test quickly if we dont finish it before class ends we'll be punished." I said. Lyon started shivering. I wanna laugh but i cant seem to laugh at all. 6 years ago my smile just faded away because my mother and father are killed by their fellow workers at some company. I was just ten that year. But my soul is laughing so hard. "Is that t-true?!" He asked still shivering. "Dunno. Maybe?" I shrugged. Me and Lyon heard some laughing and giggling behind the bookshelf. We slowly looked behind the bookshelf and saw....lucy and unknown students!!! "That was a romantic kiss huh?" The pink haired boy laugh. "Guys stop laughing!! Just introduce yourselves!!" Lucy yelled at them. "Im natsu dragneel!!" The pink haired boy said. "Im gray fullbuster!!" The raven black dude said. "Im jellal fernandes!" The blue haired dude said. "Im laxus dreyar." I cant tell his hair! Is it blond or yellow?! "Im gajeel redfox!" The long black haired guy said. "You know the rest of the girls are right?" Lucy asked. "Yes." I said. "So are you and lyon together?" Levy smirked. "No i dont!" I said and looked at lyon being teased. The library lights closed. "Ok classes are over now." Mira sighed so as the others. "Youre all in detention?" I asked. "Yeah." They said in unison. We all sighed and fell asleep.
Hello guys!! I just wanted to thank you for reading this weird story! Anyways do you like it? If you dont i'll make it much better! Thanks for reading!! And to the next chapter you'll find out Diana's story!!
Diana: Jenika-san! Why did you make me and lyon kissed?!
Me: Because youre both meant to be!! Duh!
Lyon: Yeah! And besides i kinda like....the....kiss though.
Both: What?! Hahahahaha!!
Lyon: Hey what's so funny?!

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