First day😬

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I'm not adding picture because everybody that is in this story is very well-known and forward as you,you can pick what you look like cause I have bad taste

~back ground~
Your name is devenity
Graduated out of high school preparing for college
You live in L.A
Mom:Cardi B
Dad.offset(sorry If I spelled it wrong)
Little sis:culture
You have no friends because everyone is jealous of you so your a loner your mom make you get out the house and moved you to a new school and that's when everything CHANGED

Keep going

Your here🙂

~first day before school ~

Your POV
Hi my name is devenity I'm 16 my life is boring I'm a loner I haven't always been alone before my mom and dad got rich we were very poor and I'm glad my lil sister don't have to go thru that and this is how-


Devenity:and this is my life🙄

As I get up out of my bed I fall because my leg fell asleep I tap on them and scream in pain once they wake up I get up and get culture I take her a bath and put her on a Gucci offit then I put her in her play room and I run up stairs take a shower and my smelling goods then I put on a XL warm up suit with my mini classes I put my hair up in messy but and grab my XL crocs I leave down stairs get culture we walk outside I put her in her cars set then I get in the car and drive once I was driving I seen chick-fil-A and culture said she was hungry so I drove to chick-fil-A once we got into chick-fil-A some girls came up to us and asked can they take a picture I said yes after that they left I ordered some food and went to go sit down 10 minutes later somebody taps on my shoulder and when I turn around I see a tall light skin boy with brown eyes a hoodie and a bandanna [I think you know who it is by now] yes the one and only KBREEEZO as I turn around I say

Devenity:omg your Kobe from tiktok
Kobe:and your devenity from instagram
Devenity:how are you
Kobe:cute kid
Devenity:oh no baby not my kid she's my lil sister
Kobe:oh shi she look Just like you aye I came with some friends wanna go to they mall
Devenity:yes pls I'm bored ash
Devenity:no culture don't say that baby

Devenity picks up culture and leave with Kobe she gets in her car with culture and she follow kobe to the mall

The mall

Once y'all get there you walk in the mall with culture and the whole mall runs to you so security shuts the mall down so it's only you and culture after a whole group of boys and girls walk to the door and you see Kobe so you tell security to let them in once they get in

Kobe:daum ain't nobody in this bih
Security:ms.devenity you mom just called she said that her and your dad are going away for a month and they are taking culture so may I take culture to the house

Devenity:ohhh sure

Then she tells her bodyguard since she was 12 to go with them he leaves and calls another body guard to watch you once he gets there the other body guard take culture and they leave y'all started walking and it was quiet so aya breaks silence

Aya:hi I'm aya

Devenity:I'm devenity
Derek:can I call you definitely
Devenity:oh you got jokes d-rek
Derek:it's der-rek
Devenity:it's dev-ven-ni-t
Everyone laughs then Kobe puts his arm around you then you duck

Kobe:oh ight
Devenity smiles aya gets jealous cause her and Kobe has been talking
Mike:I'm mike
Vallyk:I'm vallyk
Desire:I'm desire
Paradise:I'm paradise
Taleyah:I'm taleyah but call me alien girl
Mattia:I'm mattia
Kari:I'm Kari
Alejandro:I'm Alejandro
Devenity:Kobe I thought you said some friends not a whole football team entiwaysss y'all wanna come to my house after I got it all to myself for a month

Everyone:hell yeaaa

After y'all are walking then the mall opens back up you see a BOY walking you didn't realize who they were and it was your bestfriend before all the fame
devenity runs to him jump and wrap her legs around him
Trent:I've missed you so much I can't believe we noticed each other
Devenity:I know blue eyes when I see them
Trent:who are your friends
Everyone introduced they self blah blah blah

~skip to your house~

Everyone had they bags and you show everyone they rooms and stuff after they settle down everybody walks down stairs and sit on the couch except one person as you were walking down stairs somebody pull you into a room you turn around and it's.........

Keep going

You got this

It was

Stay tuned for more love you❤️

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