*~Prefernce 2~*

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Whooooooo! I think this preference book is gonna do fine! Have fun reading these!
This is where you guys become friends!



Again, you were a silently reading to yourself. Then you heard Scouts voice, "Hey (Y/n)! Over here!" You looked up and saw him running at you. You smiled, "Hiya Scout!" He stopped and faced you. He rubbed the back of his neck, "Actually, it's Jeremy, if ya want to call me that." "Alright then. Which ever!" He then stood in an awkward position, "So, uh, I wanted to ask..do..you..mind if I could borrow a book?" You were stunned, "Really?" He nodded, "Yeah, just wanted to see if reading is as fun as it is.." You giggled and dug in your bag and pulled out a book you finished last week. You gave it to him, "Here, it's a good one Jeremy." He smiled, "Thanks, uh, can I ask you something?"  You nodded, "Yeah?" He nervously smiled, "We're friends right?" You smiled, "Of course!" He smiled, looking at the book, and started reading the first page, sitting beside you. You laughed and read as well. He quickly jumped up, "Sorry (Y/n)! I need to be somewhere! See ya later!" You laughed, "Oh brother..."


You walked in the coffee shop with your friend. She's never been their before so you wanted to take her their. Just when you walked in, you saw Heavy. You're friend saw you're reaction, "You gotta crush there (Y/n)?" You shook you're head, "Naw, we're just friends." She smirked, "Okay, I'll believe it when I see it." You giggled and shook you're head, "Okay." You and you're friend walked up to Heavy, who was sitting down. He looked up, "Hello (Y/n)! Is good to see you." You smiled, you're friend smirking, "So, Heavy-." He interrupted you, "Maykl is Heavy's real name. If you would like." (Did I put his name right? I searched it up and google said that's what it is. Please correct me lmfao.) You said, "Alright Maykl-." This time, you're friend interrupted you, "You don't happen to be in a relationship with her do you?" He rose a brow and laughed. You laughed with him, while you're friend was just confused. He stopped laughing, "No, no, Heavy and (Y/n) just friends." You chuckled and faced your friend with a smirk, "Yup."


You were just in the store, buying a few things when you saw Demo walking up to you. You smiled, "Uh, Hey Demoman. Nice to see you!" He chuckled, "No need to call me that lass. The names Tavish." You said, "Alright, Tavish." You then saw he was hiding something behind his back. You said, "What's that?" Gesturing to what he was hiding. He smiled a toothy grin, "Here, I wanted to give ye a gift for paying me scrumpy the last time we met." He gave the 'gift' and it was... Scrumpy. A whole pack of scrumpy. You giggled, "Scrumpy?" He nodded, "Yes (Y/n). I thought you'd love it!" You were gonna say, "Sorry I don't drink." But you felt bad so, "Aw, that's nice of you Tavish." He chuckled, "Yer welcome las." He looked behind him, a friend is his waving. "Demo! We got to go!" He groaned, "Well (Y/n), I must leave. See ye later!" And he left. You sighed, "What on earth am I gonna do with the beers?!"


You were on you're run, holding a little flower in you're hands. You thought if you saw Medic here again, you'd wanna give him a special thank you. And you were right. He looked worried and panicked, he looked like he was trying to run away from someone or something. You ran to him, hiding the flower, "Hey Medic! You okay?" He said, "Uh, Hallo (Y/n). I don'tz know if I can talk right now..." You were gonna ask why but all you heard was, "HEY! THERE HE IS!" He started panicking, "Dammit! Uh, (Y/n), Don'tz ask but can jou hide me somewhere?!" You hesitated but said yes. You led him to alleyway, "Okay, just lay down." He was confused but followed you're command. You too if you're jacket and laid it over his head, like if it was a veil. You asked, "Do you have those bandages?" He nodded and handed you one. You quickly pretended you were wrapping it around his leg. "Hey! Where did he go?" What seemed like Doctors and nurses came looking everywhere, they looked in the alley. But only saw a young girl helping her older brother. They walked away. You and Medic relaxed. He said, "Thank jou (Y/n). I don'tz know vhat vwould of happened if jou didn'tz help." You chuckled getting up, "It's what friends do." He chuckled, "Okay, fruend. By the way, you may call me Josef." (AGAIN, IF IT AINT THERYRE REAL NAME TELL ME!) You said, "Well then, goodbye Josef."

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