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"Careful, Nox!"

I could hear the anxiety in Alistair's voice. Nox was playing with Bo, who was still healing, and Nox had almost tripped him.

"Nox, please you have to be careful," I said as the black wolf pup jumped into my lap.

"I'm fine," Bo said as he attempted to calm a frantic Alistair.

"Your ribs aren't completely healed yet, if you fall you could break them again."

"But I didn't fall so I'm okay, you can relax."

Alistair still seemed tense but he sat back down. Nox was still curled up in my lap and he didn't seem to want to leave. Bo went back to play with some of the others, since it was sunny today the pack's kids decided to come outside and play.

It was nice to see Bo fitting in with the others and our kids had been more than happy with the new addition to the family.

"Food smells good," Nadiya said as she sat down at the table.

"Yeah, Kory is cooking," I said.

"Now that Alice is pregnant he's had to do most of the cooking," Alistair said with a grin.

Alice, now five months pregnant, has been forcing Kory to learn to cook and it's the most hilarious thing to watch. He has gotten pretty good at it though.

I sat up as Alice walked over with a huge grin on her face.

"I have news," she said as she huffed and sat down. "About Congress."

I perked up, we had been waiting to hear if Congress had passed the bill to give rights to supernatural beings and make hunting illegal.

"They passed it, now we have to wait for the president."

"You're fucking joking," Alistair asked as he jumped up from his chair.

"No," Alice said as she shook her head.

Alistair's jaw dropped and he turned towards me, "Damon..."

I nodded unable to speak. This was huge, this was what we were working towards for years now.

"Oh my god," Alistair whispered.

Alice had tears rolling down her cheeks, I reached over and grabbed her hand. She let out a loud sob.

"It's the hormones I promise," she choked out.

Nadiya let out a loud laugh and so did Alice.

"I'm sorry I'm such a mess, but this is such a big deal."

"I know, so much will change if it passes," Alistair said.

I shot him a grin, "This is all thanks to you."

"What," he asked with a bewildered expression.

"If you had never came here looking to kill my father, we probably would have never met, at least not before you would have become an official hunter. Meeting you started the entire domino effect and now we're changing the future together."

"I guess it's a good thing you didn't hate werewolves as we thought you would," Alice said.

Alistair smiled, "I don't think I could have hated werewolves, even if I wanted to."

North ran up and jumped into Alistair's lap. He pulled up Alistair's hand and nibbled on his fingers.

"Alright let's get you some food," he said as he pulled his hand away. "Nox you coming?"

I groaned as Nox pushed off my lap, digging his claws into my thigh.

"Food's ready," Kory yelled out as he set the plates of burgers and hotdogs out on the table with the other food.

The kids stopped and immediately raced to the tables. I laughed as both Kory and Alistair became surrounded by a horde of children.

"I'm going to help them," Nadiya said.

"Fifty bucks says you and Alistair are going in the history books," Alice said with a smirk.

"A hundred bucks says you're crazy."

"Deal," she held her hand out and I shook it.


I groaned as my phone rang. I looked at the clock.

"Who calls somebody at four-thirty in the morning," I mumbled to myself.

"Answer the stupid phone Damon," Alistair snapped as he rolled over.


"You're going in the books baby," Alice said.


"Turn on the news."

I grabbed the remote and turn the news on.

"After approving of this bill it is now an official law. Supernatural beings now no longer have to hide and the killing of one will result in federal time," the newscaster said. "This all happening because of a once small pack just outside of Derby, Vermont."

"You owe me fifty bucks," Alice said through the phone.

"We're not in the books yet," I said with a laugh. "I'll call you later."

"All right good night."

"Alistair wake up," I said as I shook him. "We're on TV."

"Go back to sleep you psycho."

I rolled my eyes and turned back to the screen.

"Young couple Damon Lupis and Alistair Cocidius are leaders of now one of the biggest packs in the north, housing anybody who needs a home. They created the bill, which is now a law, providing rights and protection to all supernatural beings."

I smiled as they showed a picture of me and Alistair at my graduation. We both had bright smiles on our faces and Atticus was clinging to Alistair's legs. I had a feeling that Mom or Alice was the reason they had that photo.

"Many people are in favor of the new law, happy to hear that this law has finally been passed. Others are not as happy though," she continued.

I shut off the TV and rolled back over to Alistair.

"Sounds like we did the right thing," Alistair whispered.

"I think we did, there's a lot of people out there who's lives are going to be better because of this law."

"Mm, I love you," he said through a yawn.

I chuckled and buried my head between his shoulder blades, "I love you too."

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