Chapter 9

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*Hurtful words are mentioned and self harm*

Regina's POV:
It was about an hour later when his parents came back. I look at them and Marian was standing behind them. They said the Marian can see him till they get back because the doctor said it was fine and that I could stay in the room if I wanted while she was in here too but they had to go get Roland and drop him off at his grandparents. They walk out and Marian started talking to Robin once she was done she looked at me.

"He should've given up on you a long time ago. You aren't worth his love or his parents love, you're just worthless, ugly, and fat. No one will love you, Robin is only loving you because you love him and he doesn't want to hurt you. But let's face it you're just a pathetic little girl, who can't fight her own battles." Her words cut deep into my head and heart hard. "And if I can't have Robin no one can." She said slapping me in the face causing my to stumble back and falling over a chair. She just laughs but stops when Robins parents walk in.

"Regina dear are you ok?" Vivian asked rushing over too me. Marian look at me with mean eyes.

"Umm... yes I am ok I just fell backwards because I got up too fast. That's all." I say with a little chuckle. She helps me up while Paul picks up my chair. "Thank you." I say

"No problem" they say.

"I have to go my mom will be wondering were I am." Marian states. They say there goodbyes and goodnights and she leaves.

"I am going to go use the restroom excuse me." I say.

I walk into the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror. I look in my bag, then I found it. A razor I can use. I look at it then my wrist, i look at both for a minute before putting the razor to it and cutting. I hiss a little in pain, I did it a few times on each wrist. Then I went into a stall and did it a few more times to my thighs. After I was done, I put on one of Robins hoodies that I had, while stole from him because it smelt like him on, and wiped my tears with the sleeves. And smiled at myself in the mirror.

"I got this just walk out like nothing happened and maybe they won't notice. You have done this before. Then why am I scared?" I question myself.

Why am I so nervous all of a sudden? I have done this before. It should be easy. I stop thinking and walk out of the bathroom. Vivian and Paul look at me with a soft smile. I gave a fake smile. But for some reason Paul frowned. I just ignore it and go back to seating next to the bed with my head on it. Everything will be ok. Robin will be just fine. Right?

Sleep didn't come easy that night, I was worried sick. And I would work myself up, and every time I did I would throw up so Vivian was up with me making sure I was ok.

"Regina? I am going to go get breakfast. Do you want something?" Vivian asked in a sweet voice.

"No thank you. I am not hungry." I lied. I was a little hungry but I was too worked up to eat. And I'm not eating because of Marian calling me fat. Which means I am putting on weight which is a no. Well at least that is what the voices say.

"Ok dear just make sure you eat something today." She said pulling me out of my thoughts. I give her a little nod and she walks out.

Paul POV:
I know Regina is cutting again because who walks into the bathroom without a hoodie on then walks out with one on, and she was in there for a long time. Plus when she came out I could tell she wasn't her self, I know that is a lot to say considering Robin is in the hospital in a coma. So while she was asleep, even though she was up most of the night throwing up. I looked at her wrist and they had cuts. I felt my heart broke again. And she also had a little bruise on her cheek.

Whatever happened last night I was going to find out what happened with her and Marian. So when Vivian walked out to go get some breakfast I had to see if she would lie to me which she probably will.

"What took you so long in the bathroom after Marian left last night?" I asked

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said kinda quickly.

"Regina I want you to be honest with me when I ask you this ok?"

"Ok" she said with a confused face.

"Are you cutting?" I ask in the softest voice possible.

"W-what are you t-talking about?" She stuttered.

"I seen them Regina." I say in a said voice. "I seen the cuts on your wrist when you were sleeping." Neither of them knew that Vivian was outside listening.

Vivians POV:
I walk in after hearing Paul say he seen Regina's cuts on her wrist.

"Paul honey can you give us a minute alone please?" I ask. He nods and leaves the room. "Regina dear look at me please," I say because she has her head now. She looks up at me with sad eyes. "Dear, I heard Paul about the cuts." I said and she whimpered squeezing Robins hand. "I am not mad Regina. I am upset though." Tears are now coming down my face.

"Oh no please don't cry." Regina said hugging me now with tears of her own. I pull away.

"I want you to stop. I know it is going to be hard not to hurt yourself but I want you to try. I don't want to lose you and I don't think Robin, Paul or Roland, or even your parents or friends want to lose you Regina." I say wiping her tears.

"B-but Marian said t-that I am n-not worth your g-guys l-love." She sobbed. Oh my dear lord. How can someone hurt her. And I am going to have to have a serious talk with Marian.

"Regina you're more than worth our love. I would do anything for you, Paul too. We both see you as a daughter and I would not change that for the world. I love that you make my son happy. I could care less about anything else. But my son got a plus with you. Look at yourself you're smart, pretty, and not like other girls. Which I think is great. Because girls nowadays just like sleeping around but you don't, all you want is Robin. And I love you for that. You are perfect for my son and you are perfect for us. And the next person to tell you otherwise can come talk to me and I will slap some sense into their heads." I say with a small chuckle making her also do the same.

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