Chapter 16

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(Sir Henry is Henry and Henry is Hen)

Cora's POV:
Vivian and I won the bet of when Robin was ready to tell us he wants to propose to Regina. Which is funny because now Vivian and I have 50 more dollars from all the other bets we have placed and won.

"So Vi what are we going to do since we won yet another bet?" I asked

"I don't know Cira but I think we will think of something." She said with a laugh.

"How do you two win every bet we place?" Paul asked.

"Because we are smart. Woman are more powerful than men." I say.

"She isn't wrong." We all laugh.

We all talk till about 5 when Robin came down the stairs rubbing his eyes tiredly. I walk over and pull his hand away from his eyes.

"I don't like when people rub their eyes. It is bad for them." I said.

"Now I see Regina gets it from." He said with a small chuckle.

"Yes. I always did that when she would do that. Now it is her doing it to you." I laughed.

"Anyway, who all knows about you proposing?" Henry asked.

Robins POV:
"Just you guys, then David, Killian and Ruby. I told Ruby like 2 weeks ago." I replied.

"Here child." Henry said handing me a ring.

"What?" I asked in shock.

"It was my mother's ring and Regina has always wanted her boyfriend to propose with it ever since I can remember." He said.

"Are you serious?" I asked choking out the words a little.

"Yes, Regina has always loved this ring from a very young age. Ever since she seen it on her grandmother finger she has been memorized by it." He said. I take the boxes that the ring was in and look at it.

"It is beautiful. Thank you." I say.

"I am just making sure that my daughter goes to the right man. And I know it is you." He says.

"So you hurt my sister I will hunt you down and personal hurt you myself. So don't lay a finger on her or break her heart." Regina's little brother Henry said in a serious voices.

"I have to agree with him on this one." My mom agreed. Henry, Cora, and my father also agreeing.

"So if I hurt Regina all of you guys are coming after me?" I questioned.

"Yes!" They all say.

"It's ok. And trust me I don't plan on leaving her any time soon let alone ever." I stated proudly.

They all smile and say good.

"What is going to be for dinner?" My mom asked.

"How about Chicken Alfredo? Regina has really been craving that lately." I state.

"That actually sounds really good." Cora said.

"Alrighty then. Chicken Alfredo it is." My mother said.

"Umm no you are not cooking in my household. You are guest go sit back down" Cora said while shooing my mother back to her sit.

"Let me at least help." My mother chuckled a little.

"Hey princess." I said as I see Regina coming down the stair still in my hoodie and her shorts blinking her eyes tiredly. Our parents and Henry look up.

"Hi hun how was your nap?" My father asked.

"Good. Till your son thought it was a good idea it get out of the bed." She pouted as she wrapped my arms around her waist and putting her head on my chest and her arms dangling down my sides.

"I am sorry I just wanted you to get some more sleep and didn't want to wake you." I said kissing the top of her head. "If it makes you feel better I told our parents you wanted Chicken Alfredo for dinner."

"Mmm that sounds good." She said rubbing her stomach while closing her eyes again close to falling asleep again.

"Why don't we go lay on the couch and watch a movie or something?" Not having the strength she just nods.

While my mother and Cora were in the kitchen cooking dinner the rest of us were in the living room watching 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas'. Regina and I were on the couch and she was out within 5 minutes of the movie. She most of been really tired. After the movie was over I pull a few pieces of her hair out of her face.

"She looks so peaceful," my mom said.

"She does. Doesn't she?" I smile down at the beautiful girlfriend who soon hopefully with be my fiancé in my arms. "I can't wait for our little girl to be born. I am ready to be a father." I continue.

"Well she has 2 months left." Hen said.

"Yup. A little over two months left for our little princess." I say with a smile.

"Nicknames, once the baby is born who are you going to keep calling princess?" Hen asked.

"Regina till she becomes my wife then it will be My Queen. And our little girl will be princess but for now it is princess and babygirl." I say. We sat their talking and we laughed causing Regina to wake up.

"Speaking of names have you guys thought of any?" Cora asked.

"Yes," Regina said tiredly.

"Ooo do tell." My mom said.

"We haven't decided yet but once we know, we will tell you," I said.

"Awe, I wanted to know. Anyway dinner is done let's eat." Cora said.

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