Chapter 24

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Reginas POV:
It has been two weeks since the accident Henry and my father were let go a week ago because they healed pretty fast, I on the other hand didn't. Doctor say I am going to have to stay for probably a good month Rose too. But that is ok I cam move a that better now Rose is breastfeeding now. She is still tiny. Doctor says that the chances of her grow to the normal size is slim. She will either grow faster and be a little bigger or she will be tiny for the rest of her life. They also moved her to my room because she was surprisingly doing well on her own. She has Robins pretty blue eyes, his cute dimples, and curly hair. Other than that she looks like me. Right now she is sleep on my chest because she cute go done eating. Robin wakes in and smile at me. I smile back and then look back down.

"Hi," he said in a whisper, but it was enough to wake up Rose she looked at me then she seen Robin and started crying. The moment Robin picked her up out of my arms she instantly stopped cry. She put her hand on his chest and continued sucking on her pacifier softly before falling asleep within 30 seconds.

"She is definitely a daddy's girl," I said with a chuckle.

"She definitely is huh? You're a daddy's girls?" He said.

Two weeks since I have been in the hospital and I am bored. There is nothing to do. The group has came and talked but like I want to go outside. I want to take Rose outside for the first time and to the park.

I have been doing online schooling now. It is some what easy, but a least I am getting school work down.

Robin has Rose out in the hospital somewhere because he wanted to show her around the places. When I told him that it isn't going to do anything he said he didn't care and still took her. It was kinda cute though, that he wanted father-daughter time with her at a young age. That and plus his parents wanted to meet her too. Well our parents because my dad hasn't really gotten to meet her yet. And he wanted to hold her after not being able to hold her and she is already three weeks old. I can't believe that my daughter is already three weeks old I feel like the accident and everything just happened like two days ago.

I heard the door open and thought it was Robin.

"Hey, bub-" I cut myself off when I look up and see Marian instead of Robin. "What are you doing here?" I asked coldly.

"I came to talk" she said.

"Talk? I think you have done enough."

"Please let me explain."

"Explain?! You have done enough to my family so please Marian leave."

"Fine Regina, have it your way. But remember one thing he never loved you and he never will."

"You're just mad that we are together and had a child and getting married." I said.

"You're right I am mad because he choose a girl like you to date. A pathetic person." She said slapping my face. Tears wanted to come out so back because it hurt and my face still hurt from the accident.

"And you will never lay a finger on her again," Paul said from behind her. We both look up at him. "I don't want you near her or Robin or my family again." He said walking over to me.

"I didn't do anything Paul." Marian said.

"You can call me Mr. Locksley or Sir." He said. Her mouth dropped. "Also there is a camera in this room which means we have proof of you hitting the victim."

She just looked at him before walking out of the room fast.

"Thank you," I whispered tears wanting to come out. He took my chin with his fingers.

"Don't thank me for protecting you from people like her. You are my daughter with you like it or not. I don't care if you and Robin ever get a divorce in the future. I will always be a second father to you ok?" He said. I nodded my head. And tears started streaming down my face. "Hey no need to cry." I just t wanted Robin.

"I-I want bu-bubba." I choked out. He nodded his head and grabbed his phone. The next thing I know is our parents are in here and so is Robin. My mother has Rose. Robin comes over and takes Paul's place.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Marian but this time we have proof." Paul said.

"That is good" Papi said.

"Yes, which is even better." Vivian said.

I calmed down after a while and then took Rose from my mother. We all talked till it got late, and are parents went home and Robin stayed with me. He didn't want me to be alone. I told him I had Rose, but he didn't take it. So he stayed with me the whole time.

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