Chapter 14

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*talks about Regina's depression*

Robin's POV:
Sadly August was coming to an end. Which means school starts very soon. I mean it is our Senior year of high school. I am ready to get out of this school and have all the time for Regina and our unborn child.

My father said he would let me work at the family company with him since one day I am going to have to run it. My father owns a Lawyer company. But he said that once school starts that I can work to get money. Regina and I have already started to look for an apartment. We didn't want a house just yet, that we wanted a house towards the end of Senior year.

All of us decided that we aren't t going to college because we all found jobs we can work at. David will be working at the police station, Mar has an assistant for a teacher at the elementary school till she can became one. Emma is going to be working at Granny's with Ruby. And Killian is going to be working at a car shop because his dad owns one. So we are all staying in Storybrooke together.

"I'm only 4 months and I am so tired and fat, I can't fit anything," Regina complained.

"Princess you're carry a baby. A little human is inside you." I say.

"You stop being perfect before I slap you." She sassed making us laugh. Her sass as been funny lately.

"Ooo Robin she gave you sass better watch out for it" David said still laughing.

"I will never stop being perfect," I say with a smile.

"Shush it." Regina said. We all laugh again as she points her finger at me.

"Ok movie and food time," Emma said.

"Of course you would say that you are always hungry Emma," David said.

"Yup. Food is good." She said making us laugh.

I really like that everything is bad to normal, the hospital was no fun and I could tell it was draining Regina being there. So the moment I could get out of there I took it.

After the whole Marian thing I started thinking. I don't want to lose Regina, like ever. So I have been thinking about proposing to her. Sometime after school starts, and we could have the wedding after a child turns 1 and is walking. While at least walking maybe. But I have always wanted Regina to be my wife. I know we may only be 17 but we are Seniors now, she is pregnant with our first child, and I love her too much. Yup I am going to do it. I will talk to our parents later about it.

"Penny for your thoughts," David said.

"Huh? Sorry what?" I said not realizing David, Killian and I were the only ones in the living room. "Where are the girls?" I asked.

"They decided they would go get Granny's instead of us," Killian said.

"Oh ok," I said I didn't even know I was so far in my thoughts.

"So what were you thinking about that had you out of this world." David asked.

"I want to propose to Regina," I said.

"Really?" David asked a little shocked.

"Yeah. I mean she is pregnant with our child. And I love her. I don't really see a problem with it," I said.

"You should do it, I highly doubt she say no." David said.

"You really think she would say yes to me?" I asked.

"Robin, Regina loves you no doubt about that, she has also talked about wanting to marry you but was to scared to bring it up because she thought you wouldn't want it." David said.

"Why would she be scared and that I wouldn't want it?" I questioned.

"Her depression. The voice in her head is saying she isn't worth it. That she can't be a good wife to you let alone a girlfriend. Or even the mother of your first child. She thinks she can't do it at all." David said.

"So she thinks if she brings up the idea of marriage that you are going to throw it out the window because she isn't worth it." Killian states.

"I would never do that. Now I am definitely going to propose forget my thoughts. I want her to feel wanted." I said.

"Go for it, we will help if you need it" David said. And that means a lot coming from him because he means a lot to Regina. So getting his approval is really nice. But now getting Henry's approval is the one I am scared for.

"Some one is worried why?" Killian asked.

"Getting Henry's approval." Is all I said.

"Henry is going to agree." David said.

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