Chapter 19

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Regina's POV:
Everything was going great, Christmas break was amazing Rose got spoiled even though she isn't even born yet. Our parents went all out on baby clothes and toys. I don't know how but she already has all 4 grandparents wrapped around her finger. Robin is saying he wants her to have my shaped eyes. I just want this baby to have dimples like her daddy and ocean blue eyes.

"What are you thinking about?" David asked sitting down next to me on the couch.

"Just how this little girl already has us wrapped around her little tiny finger and she isn't even here yet." I replied rubbing my stomach with a smile.

"That she does. It is going to be funny if she turns out to have your sass and attitude." He said.

"No I'm hoping that does not happen. My sass and attitude alone it bad enough. Her having it isn't going to help Robins situation." I said laughing.

"Help me with what situation?" Robin asked walking into the living room.

"If Rose has Regina's sass and attitude." David said.

"The chances of that child having Regina's sass and attitude are very high." My mother replied.

"Gee thanks ma."

"What you got it from me. It is only right it gets past down." She said we all laugh.

"That is very true." My father continues.

"I will be praying for you Robin," Emma said.

"I don't think I need it, she will be a daddy's girl," he states sitting on the other side of me.

"What makes you think that?" I asked curiosity with an eyebrow raised.

"Because it is a feeling," he said kissing my noise making me smile. God I hate him, he knows how to make me smile.

We talk for what felt like forever. At around 8 everyone left and it was just Henry, my parents and I in the living room.

"Why don't you two go put on some pjs and then we all am watch a movie?" My dad said.

"Yea you two pick the movie and we real be right back" Henry said.

"Ok," my mom said.

I went upstairs and into the bathroom to wash my face really quick then I walked into my room to put on pjs. I ended up putting on one of Robins hoodies that goes down just be low my waist because I am pregnant now. Usually his shirts and hoodies go below my mid thigh. And a pair of shorts. After I am done I walk back downstairs to Henry laying on the floor.

"Took you long enough," Henry said with a smirk.

"You try being pregnant and walking fast. It ain't easy, nerd" I shot back. We look at each other, and burst into laughter.

"I will never understand you two and your guys secret language," my mom said.

"It isn't a secret ma we just understand each other," Henry replied.

"By looking at each other?" My dad continues.

"We just know the faces we make and put two and two together," I said.

"So reading minds?" My father asked.

"We don't have magic Daddy." I said.

"Ha sure." Mom said with a chuckle. "Let's watch the movie,"

We watched two movies before heading off to bed. As I got under the blanket, I started thinking about the future. I mean Robin and I are having a baby. We are getting married, we also have found this house perfect for us that we are slowly but surely moving into. It is a two story, with 4 bedroom, one of the bedrooms having a huge bathroom and closet in it. Plus we have 3 other bathrooms, two upstairs and one down stairs. It is cozy for us considering we are thinking of having another child.

Robin and I agreed that we wanted one more baby, if not two. We wanted one of each gender because Robin wants a boy to play football with. And play other things with, things he can't do with a girl. But we just want healthy kids.

I am really hoping that my daughter doesn't have trouble gaining weight like I did. I always struggle no matter what I ate I could never seem to gain any. My mother one time let me eat sugar all day to see if I would gain anything. Nothing, not even an oz. Hopefully this little one isn't like that.

I then start thinking about the whole Marian thing. She is getting set free. Well I mean she already is because she is at school. But she hates me even more that I am pregnant with Robins baby. I could care less about what she thinks though. I grab my phone making sure my alarm is on, which it is.

I turn over and get comfortable before closing my eyes. I let the darkness take over, as I fell into a dreamless night.

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