26 || Feared Flashbacks

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Bakugou Katsuki's POV:

The harsh click of metal scraping against metal rang through his ears, and Zero's attention flicked up just in time to see a pair of regretful red eyes stare at him as Aizawa's thumb clicked the button.

A fraction of a millisecond went by before the pain hit. Zero didn't have time to think, to act, even to breath before a bloodcurdling howl wrenched itself from his lips as the light of a thousand suns light up his eyes.

And then it was black.

"Hello honey."

"Hi Mum." Katsuki said with a small smile, though he knew his parents couldn't see it through the phone.

The boy was standing in the corner of his grade five classroom as he took his parents call, having decided that it would be best if he extracted himself from the hustle and bustle created by his busily working peers.

"Have you had a good day, Katsuki?" Came the deep tenor of Katsuki's father's voice through the slightly distorted speaker.

"Yeah." The boy replied instantly, as was his habit.

"Oh that's wonderful sweetheart," Spoke his mother. "I don't want this to impact too badly on your mood then, but we've been called to have one last-minute meeting with an inspector tonight."

Katsuki's grin faded.

"He's from very high up in the ladder, and has taken notice of our business. He said he thought it looked promising, and is coming in with a possible investment." Claimed his father.

"T-That's great." Katsuki said, though his mouth felt as dry as a desert.

"Unfortunately that means we won't be home for tonight as we're going to have to stay in town, just in case he decides he wants to come back tomorrow morning." Came Katsuki's mothers consoling voice.

"But we've called in, and your Uncle is all clear to take care of you tonight." His father chimed in.

"We just wanted to tell you so that you wouldn't get a scare when you get home tonight. Okay honey?"

The blood drained from Katsuki's face as he felt bile crawl up his throat. Choking on a sob, he whispered a shaky 'Okay,' before they told him they loved him and hung up.

— — —

Walking back from school that day Katsuki's feet dragged along the sidewalk, and not because of the soccer match he'd taken part in that lunch. Rather, it was the looming sense of dread that weighed him down, and he endeavoured to take as long as possible. Here Katsuki didn't have to worry about how heavy his footfalls were, whereas once he stepped inside the normally inviting threshold of his home he knew it'd be equivalent to walking on eggshells.

But all too soon he'd arrived at his house, just as he knew he would have to at some point. He stood in front of the rich brown door, fingers lightly resting on the handle, not pulling it open.

Katsuki was being 'looked after' by his Uncle. For a whole night...Normally it was bad enough, but now Uncle didn't have to worry about whether or not Katsuki's parents would see anything. They wouldn't be coming home at all, and he'd be off at school well before they came home. Taking a deep, steadying breath, Katsuki braced himself and walked inside.

— — —

"Hello, Katsuki."

"G-Good afternoon, U-Uncle."

Level Zero - Villain!Bakugou RehabilitationWhere stories live. Discover now