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⚠️-this chapter contains suicide and abuse

Jimin was in his room on his phone. It was a peaceful Sunday morning, around 10 am. He loved life and couldn't see anything wrong with it.

Staring at the wall he wondered if he should do his homework. Tomorrow was the second week of his second year at high school. He wanted to keep up good grades just so that he could please his mum.

They had talked about this a lot, about Jimin going to college. His mother fell pregnant with his when she was 17 so couldn't go to college because she had to take care of small baby Jimin.

It wasn't like she was bothered about it. She loved her child and was glad that her boyfriend, Jimins dad stayed with her. A couple of months after Jimin was born she got a job at a small cafe. It was hard but it definitely helped with the bills and keeping a roof over there heads.

Jimins life wasn't the best. He didn't get everything that he asked for and he couldn't go do expensive things every other weekend like other kids in his school did. But it didn't bother him. He had his friends and that's all that mattered.

Jimin was shaken out of his thoughts where he heard distressed noises coming from downstairs. Someone seemed to be getting hurt and Jimin was confused.

His mum and dad had a good relationship and Jimin had only seen a few small arguments between the two in his almost sixteen years that he was alive for.

He was confused to what the argument was about so he decided to go and check it out. He got to the staircase when he realised that the argument was between his mum and dad.

"No, what I'm saying is that it's what best for him. If there's nothing wrong then that's good I would rather get him checked for it and it be nothing then see him suffer and not get him help." His mother tried to explain to his dad.

Jimin was confused about what they were on about. Who was the boy and why did he need to get checked for?

"It's nothing. He's 15 it's normal. It's probably just his hormones or something." He dad said back.

Jimin was 15. Maybe it was one of his friends like Taehyung or Jungkook. He hoped that they were doing well. Jimin thought that he should ask what was going on but he had been raised not to interrupt people. Because of this, he just stayed sat on the stairs listening into the argument.

"You can't even deny it though. You have seen his mood. That's more than mood swings. Mood swings dont last for months on end and are one extreme or the other!" His mum seemed to be getting annoyed. If it was one of his friends should she be talking to there mothers instead of his dad?

"Oh please. Your only looking for an excuse to say that you have given a disease to Jimin. You haven't passed anything to him." His dad spat back as Jimin heard his mother let out a few sobs.

Why had he said Jimins name? There was nothing wrong with him. Right?

Before he could think about anything else, his mother came out of the kitchen and saw that Jimin was sat on the stairs. She paused and looked at him, debating what to say.

"Jimin, how long have you been there?" His mum asked in a soft tone. Jimin just looked down not saying anything. "If you heard any of that it meant nothing." She said it was clearly a lie.

Jimin looked up to her with tears in his eyes which were threatening to fall. He was worried and didn't know what was going on.

"Why are you crying?" Jimin asked as his voice slightly cracked. His mum just ruffled his hair as she smiled at him.

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