Chapter 1 ;)

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Lucas' POV;

He sighs again. His stupid manager won't stop talking. He is annoying the shit out of him.

He doesn't care about the makeup company that will do his makeup during the US tour.

He wants to know where he is staying and when he has free time. But all his management seems to care about is that they have one of the biggest makeup companies of the US.

He yawns, this is boring as hell.

His manager turns to him.

"So I see that our famous Yukhei finds it boring who we hire?"

Lucas looks at him with venom in his eyes. Lucas and the manager of NCT never got along well.

It is not like they hate each other, but they definitely don't like each other.

The manager is strict and Lucas likes to cross the rules. He just enjoys doing his own thing. His manager from WayV knows. But the one from NCT is still too unfamiliar with Lucas' behaviour.

"Sorry Sir, I do rather hear about the places we will visit and when we get time for ourself." He says.

His manager sighs.

"It is Lucas, Sir!"
"Okay Lucas, we will reveal the places later this meeting, but I heard you like to toy around with the makeup artist so I do think this concerns you. Especially you, Lucas."

Lucas has a bit of a past of toying around with makeup artists. They are easy targets and he is just a boy with simple needs. He gets his way and they get to have a once in a lifetime experience. It sounds rather unfair and rude but he is not the only idol who uses his fame for this. He won't push the women. If they don't want it, he doesn't do anything. He still has his image to hold up.

He sighs, the manager is right. He listens for his manager talking for 2 hours straight. Finally they are dismissed.

He walks out of the meeting with Jungwoo.

Jungwoo is his best friend, the one he trust with everything. He gets along with whole NCT well, he is seen as the social butterfly. But Jungwoo is special.

"Hey Lulu, you should really start building a good relationship with this manager, you'll need it", Jungwoo tells him.

He looks at his best friend, confused.

"I don't need any relationship with him, he needs to do his best to keep me here. It is more likely SM kicks him out than me. Don't worry about that Jung."

Jungwoo knows his friend is right, but he is still worried. He heard them talking about Lucas' behaviour and it was not a positive conversation.

They walk to their dorms and Lucas disappears in his room.

He shares the room with Mark and Jungwoo when he is in Korea. He enjoys the time with them. They are energetic and he needs that.

He is excited to tour again. It has been long. Gladly corona is under control and everyone can live freely again.

He misses his fans. They give him strength.

"Hey Mork, do you want to work out together? We can go live and interact with fans while exercising. It will be good and fun!", he asks Mark.

"Yes! That sounds like fun Lulu!", his roomie answers.


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