Chirp Goes The Doctor

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~SCP-035's POV~

I honestly Hadn't took any mind to my job, it was easy and angry costumers done nothing but muse me.

However talking about my job is rather a bore? About the doctor, my beloved friend. I believe I left this off talking about a comment.

such a remark that it stunned 49?

"You're the only one I can truly connect with doctor." I say running my finger in a circle upon the wooden table we sat at.

He looked forward to me quietly, we shared a glance for several seconds before he looked away in what seemed like a daze. "Why 35... that's possibly the most affectionate thing I've heard you muster." My response was nothing but a cackle, "Well you do bring the worst out in me."

We shared an awkward silence for what felt like hours only to be interrupted by Laurence sitting down across from us.

"Finished your daily mishaps with 96?" 106 nodded eagerly his grin widening, "And what about you both?" me and the doctor stared at each other for a second, although not visible the doctor stiffened in what seemed like embarrassment "We are fine Laurence as usual, I certainly don't see why we wouldn't be." he ranted.

"jeez doc, no need to get worked up I was only asking how you both were this fine day."

"oh.." 49 said seemingly flustered "Sorry, we're doing fine."


Progressively the day got worse when I was around 49, when talking to others he chimed in unprovoked to a conversation not concerning him or looming around me if to say something that never escapes his mouth, it wasn't like he himself has never done something this strange but it was very rare he done this and after awhile he would leave, somehow. 

This didn't last a day, following the next and further more he continued? the only break I got was at work, it felt as if I had sparked a side of him that would have never came out following that charming comment I made.

maybe 49 had gotten lonely? maybe he realised how much I viewed him as a close friend and wished to spend more time with me? well this certainly wasn't the way to do it. he sort of creeped me out and that says something when you live a daily life with a statue, old decayed man, plague doctor and a seven foot skinny creature with self loafing issues.

Scp-049 x Scp-035 [Cheerful]Where stories live. Discover now