The Mind Maze

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~SCP-049's POV~


the steaming pot slide open nicely as the smell of food fermented the room causing Laurence who was prepping the table to become mildly excited "Smells great plague." he smiled setting down the forks, "got enough for the big guy?" he followed the sentence up with pointing towards 096.

I smiled under my mask and turned the stove off "Of course I do, and if you behave you'll can have the left overs." Larry laughed finishing up the table and heading up stairs to change.

"Awe doc you can't give him it all I want some too!" 035 moaned at me, I huffed and pulled out a table spoon scooping the warm soup, I blew on it to cool it down, "want a taste test then to make up for the left overs?" the masked beamed walking over, the spoon went through the mouth hole of his masked and came back empty, seemingly dazed he gripped onto my cloak and gargled "you are an angel! where on earth did you learn to cook like that! it's godly." I clasped his hands between mine after setting down the spoon. "It's a hobby of mine I picked up when we were released, say I could teach you sometime when you're off work?" 35 nodded rapidly "Why that would be amazing! a million thanks!" 

letting go of my robe he retreated to the chopping board to prep for the other courses as I rationed out the soup. 


the table erupted with talk and laughter at dinner as we enjoyed our meal and talked about some of our hobbies and various other things, dinners weren't ever this loud, those books talking about humans everyday life's sounds so metallic now to how I felt around this bunch..

looking up from my food to take in more then 35's voice unloading his work life on me I see Larry talking, taken entire minutes looking away to make shy feel comfortable enough to eat, sure 106 was a brat but it was in a sort of lively little brother way, and I'm more then sure he cares about 096 very deeply.

"049, should we pack it up early and wash so we can get ready for the walk? the rain out has died out." I looked beside me and nodded, "Go get changed I'll clean our bowls." I replied

"You really don't need to doc I can help if you'd li-"

"Shush and hurry to get ready, if I offer to clean the dishes I'll clean the dishes." I interrupted.

"if you say so Plague." he replied before handing me his Bowl and cutlery before jogging upstairs, I moved to the kitchen turning the tap on and washing the dishes with some new cleaner we had gotten recently, the warm water soaked my bare hands as I removed my gloves and pulled up my sleeves, the pinked scars on my dark skin showed very clear, the look of them hurt, living and having a life comes with it's ups and downs, you are looked down upon by society for what they deem as just being "different." then complain about not being equals the next day, this lead me to a state of feeling utterly useless, I have a life? I can walk amongst humans? I'm not restricted from my work analysing the plague and I am surrounded by those like me, those who call me their friend yet my heart aches, my mind rots and my soul shatters.

this devastating feeling overwhelms me at times, these new found emotions shatters me, breaks me, tore me apart. my insides feel hollow and I consider wasting away most day's..

I shook my head finishing off and drying the dishes before quickly pulling my gloves on heading to my room to change, I must ignore those thoughts as they only try to muse me.

slipping on black jeans and a some what a baggy grey hoodie with my gloves and boots still on I left for the front door awaiting 035, the clothes where comfy yes, I only really wore what Larry gives me, he has a sense for it per-say. soon enough arrives 35 dressed in a warmer attire, a black blouse with a yellow sweater on top followed by a black warm jacket and scarf, fluffy black boots and leggings accompanied to stay warm in the weather, he signalled me to say he was ready and said his goodbyes to the rest, walking out of our house onto our front yard pavement and onto the very quiet street side we walked in the dark, a faint sound of crickets and the the noticeable beaming lights above us in this dark hour all around us as we sat in blissful silence, the silence is what I needed, to think over my words phrases and sayings to 035 in a conversation, that or I hated the silence and my thoughts tried to drown me as a substitute for real interaction.

we walked farther on the path and found ourselves in a local park, trees covering the left and right adorned with decorations and benches for December, it was then I caught a white piece of ice fall from the sky and eventually rapidly around us.. "beautiful tonight is it not? 

"truly a masterpiece this earth is.." I replied, I've seen snow before, it's been much relevant in the years I've lived..

looking down I stopped walking the small white dust landing on the nose of my mask "35, I need to talk to you as someone I call my friend and trust." I say sternly the tone of my voice shifting the dazzling atmosphere, "yes 49?" my fists clenched..

"035, remember when you asked if it was okay? Why I've been acting weird.."

he gives me a look of pity "why yes I remember, what of it?"

"I'm not fine, I'm struggling.. each day feels the same. You may not realise it but you help me cope, cope with this screwed up world we've been released into, dear me 035.. where on earth would I be without you.." 

he stiffened in spot and looked at me, my tears burned my eye's visible from my hood.

"I know much more then you think I do 49..."

Scp-049 x Scp-035 [Cheerful]Where stories live. Discover now