An Uneventful Night

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~SCP-049's POV~

I lifted my head groggily off of the pillow to find myself in 35's room, I struggled to grasp my surroundings when last nights events hit me, looking to my side I noticed my phone neatly propped on the table. picking it up the shine of the phone slightly blinded me as my eyes blurred and adjusted to the time on the phone.

08:00, He's at work. I sigh pulling myself up and stretching my mind still recalling the events by hour.


Setting down my pen I was using to write on numerous documents for updates the foundation sent us I relaxed my shoulders, once or twice every two weeks the foundation sends us letters asking us to fill them and write reports on our daily life's. due to the schedule of 35 and 106 going to work, 096 being uneducated in grammar and the statue not being able to move it leaves me to record events.

there is however scrapped bits and pieces that never get added to the actual documents, just how I see fit.

I'm sure the foundation is completely aware of my struggles and don't necessarily force me to write about it every time but at least once is fine with them. 

however I must not ponder over my work for long, my mind was numbed due to the amount of processing my brain had been subjected to. I needed a break, something to pass the time. 

pulling my chair out to stand up I headed to my room closing the door behind me before flicking through my various books among my shelf to which my eye landed on a bunch of movies that had been stored away in my room for rainy days and seasonal festivities, genres of many like Horror, Romance and Action among the few. I never really watched movies much but I guess today was those dusty things lucky day.

skimming through various blurbs I picked out a horror movie and headed to my DV player, popping it in I sat on my bed using the remote to click play..


the movie was reaching the middle marker when I heard a knock on my door, asking for them to come in 35 walked in as I paused the movie "Welcome home." I mused, he chuckled dropping down a bag on the bottom of my bed. "got told you were working hard on those documents so I dropped by a chain to grab you some take out since no ones up for cooking tonight." I smiled opening the bag to see what he had gotten me when I said "I'm watching a movie if you'd like to join."

"which?" he replied

"just some horror movie I found? It's about this weird disease you get when you hear a song?" he stared before laughing, "I think I've heard of it, seems like your kind of thing." He sat down beside me looking around for the remote as I ate watching him, finally finding it he sat up and clicked resume "It's been boring so far." 35 shrugged "Honestly not much can scare us with everything we've seen. I mean people consider us as these big scary monsters."

"Remember when they made a movie about 096?" I said looking down

"There's a reason we don't let him watch that stuff." 35 said

I chuckled at his response and continued paying attention to the movie.

it took awhile but after finishing my foot I placed the bag at the side of the bed and left to the bathroom to wash my hands, when entering the room again I noticed 35's eyes glued to the screen as a jump scare popped up, trying not to ruin his emersion I got by and sat beside him, I never took him to be a horror person, with his personality all I ever really seen was 35 watching rom coms and drama...


the ending of the movie was soon and we soon because disinterested sprinkling conversation here and there when something overwhelming urged me to rest against his shoulder, I lay awkwardly thousands of thoughts rushing around me when I felt a warm arm wrap around me pulling me closer, in 35's embrace I felt my face heat up yet I wouldn't pull away, something felt right. like it clicked. it was then the movie finished and the credits rolled, I didn't want to move or talk it would have felt awkward, butterflies roamed in my stomach before he spoke.

"That movie was so boring." I hummed in agreement before he continued "hey doc? are you tired?" 

just then I felt a little light headed realising how tired I had actually been, I nodded humming yet again when I felt as if I had been lowered, soon the TV turned off and the room became dark.

I found myself in his embrace in this pitch black room, I felt so many emotions running through me all of them too mixed to individually stand out....

this following week had me confused, I felt so much in the last three days, to walking with him and telling him my problems to being wrapped in his embrace in my own room in complete silence, what had happened? 

I looked up drowsily and without much thought to whether he was asleep or not I muttered those damned words.

words between two friends that shouldn't ever be spoken.

"I love you.."

Scp-049 x Scp-035 [Cheerful]Where stories live. Discover now