The Snowflake

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~SCP-035's POV~

the snow falling around us amongst the beaming lights of the streetlights created such a mystical scene when I had continued my sentence to such a vulnerable doctor standing in front of me. 

"It sounds cliché and I'm aware of that, but I knew somehow at some point you where damaged, hurt. it pained me, but I'm now aren't I? I can make up for the pain in you soul.

Please, 49 let me help you..."

he stood shaken looking down composing himself fighting back tears overwhelming him, I approached slowly clasping my arms around him and moving us into a sort of hug. patting rubbing my hand around his back trying to sooth him he wrapped his arms around me.

"Please... don't leave me..." I shushed him quietly and replied "I would never.."

His fears were mine now, I won't leave, not for the hell of it. Together I want to show him the life he's missing the life I can provide for him and the others.

"We don't need to be alone anymore, we where together in this are we not?" I mumbled, he calmed down and we stayed wrapped in our embrace for what felt like hours. "I suppose we always have been.." his filtered voice replied.. "And I guess from now, we always will."

that night is blurred for me other then the main events, the only other event I can remember is us walking home and talking about useless nonsense, we returned to my room got our of our wet attire into something more comfortable and talking, the window open in our warm room as we stared out laughing, joking and remembering things from our foundation days, our years. spent in that hell even then we didn't think we even escaped, we where in a place such as SCP-1678, it was surreal..

That night is something I hope, I wish I plead I wouldn't forget and in the waking morning nothing changed, the sun rising from my window had woken me up to find myself laying in bed beside me 049, books and pencils laying around us from last night when we put our thought's on paper.

I gripped the pillow my head lay upon and sat up blissfully tired, I dare waken the doctor up after last night, instead I closed the window and got changed heading downstairs and grabbing something to eat.

my mind raced the entire day when I looked at my phone I had shoved into my trousers

"crap, it's Monday and I'm late for work." I gasped to 106 who stood behind me seemingly not ready for work either. "just forget about it." I stared at him and squinted my eyes. "we'll get fired if we keep missing, I bet you haven't even phoned in saying you're off or late." Larry shrugged laughing as I ran to get ready for work..

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