In the start

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EDIT- When I wrote this I was unaware Sapnap was uncomfortable with his real name being used! Currently going back and fixing it so you'll see some changes! -EDIT

Hi! This is the first thing I've ever written on here so please be nice!! I hope you enjoy and leave any helpful suggestions!!❤️

"NOOO NOO NOO" Clay (dream) screams in agony as another shock jolts through his body. He tries to calm himself down by laughing it off, but the throbbing pain of his arm starts to spread through his whole body.  He can hear George and Sapnap losing it in the background. "Guys I don't think i can continue this anymore" Clay playfully states. "Oh c'mon you're so close to being done!!" George exclaims. "God you guys suck." Clay says as he tries to assert himself back into the game and ignore the loud laughter of his friends in the background.


Time passes and Clay is finally done filming the video. He released a huge sigh of relief after taking the shock collar off of his arm, almost like he is breaking free from a jail of pain and jolts. He throws the collar on the floor hoping it'll disappear under his sea of laundry he needs to fold. He leans back into his chair feeling his arm as it is red and still in pain. He sits in his chair for a while not even realizing his thoughts have completely left his mind. He hears a buzz come from the left of his room and sees his phone light up. He curiously jerks up not even realizing he's been sitting in his chair for 2 hours. Shit it's 2am. He thinks to himself as he slowly gets up from his chair. On his way over to his phone he tries to guess who this mysterious notification could be from.

"hmmm, I bet it's JJ" (JJ is Clays girlfriend btw!) Clay whispers confidently to himself as he waddles over to his bright phone

He looks down at the phone in disappointment, as the message was from George. He hadn't heard from JJ all day and he was worried about her. He was debating on just ignoring George's text and calling his girlfriend. Why am I even debating this? JJ is more important than George right now. I love her and haven't heard from her all day. He says this to himself almost trying to convince his mind that he does in fact love JJ more than George. He slowly closes the imessage app, ignoring George's text, and he opens the phone app to call JJ. He types her name in and hovers over the call button for what feels like an eternity. As he is waiting his phone lights up and starts vigorously buzzing.

"The fuck?" Clay quietly whispers under his breath.

He takes another look and sees that George is calling him. What could he possibly want right now? We were filming all day, why does he need me? Clay thinks to himself as he absentmindedly presses accept call. He doesn't even realize he has answered the call before it's too late.

"CLAY CLAY CLAY!!" George screams in Clay's ear full of energy
"Yes George?" Clay sates very sternly
"What's up?" George says while cracking up at himself

Clay pauses for a second leaving his mind. What am i doing? I should call JJ. She's more important. Without thinking he hangs up George's call and immediately calls JJ. He lets the phone buzz for about 15 seconds before realizing what time it is. Fuck it's like 3am why would she be up. What if i woke her up? Will she be upset with me? I don't want to keep fighting with her. Clay starts to sweat and breath very heavily. He throws his phone down not even realizing how small of a deal this is. JJ is the only person who really gets to Clay and brings out a side of him he didn't even know existed. He sulks into his bed thinking of how he has George and JJ to deal with the next day.

Without even thinking he blurts out. "Goddamnit, I wish i'd just fall asleep and never wake up." He quickly smacks is hand over his mouth. Why would i say that? I really just need sleep. He tosses and turns for a few more hours before finally starting to fall asleep as the glistening sun beams peak through his light curtains.

"Fuck, it's morning." Clay groggily moans.

(728 words)

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