Logical Thinking

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Also quick note, this chapter is going to be half in Clays perspective, and half in George's perspective.
Clay POV

Clay had passed out after falling down on the cold wooden floor. He stayed unconscious for hours as the water filled up his bedroom and seeped through the ceilings. He had woken up to bright lights surrounding his whole vision, he could hear a monitor beeping beside him. He tried adjusting his eyes to this new setting.

Where am i?

He tried to sit up but quickly realized that wasn't the best idea. He was about to close his eyes again when he heard another voice in the room.

"So who found this guy?" A tall man said in a very deep and confused voice.

Another man chimed in, "I believe the police were called to his house, they found him on the floor unconscious."

Huh? Clay thought to himself as he heard footsteps approaching him.

"Hey" The first man walked up next to Clay "You're okay now, do you remember what happened?"

Clay felt himself having difficulty trying to form words, his throat felt like it was full of dust. "I- I"

Clay was quickly cut off by the man.

"It's okay, don't speak. You're at the hospital right now. A man named George called the police to your house" The man continued "Do you know a George?"

Clay nodded his head. George? How would he even know i fell. Clay had little to no memory of their conversation from last night. When he fell he must've hit his head against something as well. Clay looked down at his ankle and noticed his right foot was in a cast. The cast felt itchy against his skin, he was uncomfortable.

Clay watched as the doctor walked away. He looked around the hospital room. The floors and walls were a bright white color. He immediately noticed the sound of the lights, they were quietly ringing in his ears. He noticed he was wearing a blue hospital gown. Where are my clothes? He looked to his right and saw the monitor beeping at a steady pace. As he looked at the monitor it seemed to be beeping louder, the noise filled the whole room.




Clays head pounded at this sound. He grabbed his head in agony. His headache grew worse as he focused on the sounds of the loud machine. He heard faint footsteps approaching him again and tried to open his eyes. His eyelids felt heavy, his hands slowly lost grip of his hair. The beeping on the monitor started to slow down. The footsteps felt louder as the doctor ran over to him.

The doctor shouted outside the room "Get in here! He's slipping out again!" More footsteps approached Clays bedside. Voices overlapped each other and Clay felt a small prick in his arm. "Clay c'mon stay with us" The first doctor called out as he tried to sit Clay up.

Clay could hear the doctor frantically talking to him. How hard did I hit my head? I didn't even feel it. Clay felt himself slipping in and out of conscious. He was tired, tired of everything really. He finally just wanted to sleep, he tried to think of happy thoughts. The first thing that came to mind was George. His laugh, his smile. He would give anything to feel George one day, to know what if's like to be held in his soft arms. He longed for this feeling. He thought of all the amazing memories they shared, even if things were weird lately he really did love George. Not just as a friend.

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