Chapter 12 | Sadie

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I didn't see Margot at all the next day.

Cynthia had arranged my desk to be next to the replacement for the case, a tall woman named Alexis who looked to be in her late thirties. My new location was definitely more scenic, with a window that looked over the city, and Alexis was surprisingly friendly. Some strange part of me sort of missed the conundrum that was Margot Lopez, but I couldn't argue that Alexis was much more pleasant to interact with.

I watched as Alexis read the notes I had taken from the interview a day before. She looked up at me with a small smile despite the grim case they described.

"Wow Sadie," she said with a breath. "I'm impressed. You sure this is your first time working at a law firm?"

"Technically yes," I replied. "I interned at a couple of agencies during college though."

"Still..." she continued. "And the idea of using Earl's affair against Megan. Genius."

I tried not to cringe at her words. I had come up with this idea. This prospect that Megan's actions were out of uncontrolled anger rather than fear, that she should be behind bars rather than seeking help for the abuse she had been put through. Despite the compliments my new coworker was showering me with, I suddenly felt gross.

"Hey Sadie," Alexis said as if reading my mind. "I know this case is a lot to handle, especially for a newbie. Just let me know if you need to take a breather or anything like that," she said, her expression understanding.

"Actually, could I?" I asked. I was in desperate need of fresh air.

"Of course!" she replied reassuringly. "See you soon?"

"Sounds good," I said quietly as I turned to exit the cubicle.

Despite myself, part of me was mad at Margot for leaving me alone on this case. There was something comforting about working with her, a hidden understanding that I couldn't quite place. Was it because we were both pursuing competitive careers in our twenties? Was it because we were both so passionate and driven? I really had no clue, but it annoyed me how I instinctively looked over at my old desk as I passed it with the hopes of seeing her. But she wasn't there.


As the elevator opened up to the first floor I was surprised to see a familiar face. Cody was in an intense conversation with another person I had never seen around the office. I assumed he worked on a different floor. Walking towards them, the hushed voices became louder and comprehensible.

"I was at the edge of my seat, especially when Robinson ran 45 yards for the touchdown," Cody stated, animated.

"The Bears are looking great this season, I hope they can keep it up," the other man replied.

Cody looked up, his eyes immediately meeting mine. A grin lit up his face, faltering slightly as he took in my expression. "Hey Sades!" he called, jogging up to meet me in front of the elevator. "Everything good?"

"Yep, just taking a break from work," I responded.

Cody looked unconvinced. "You sure?" he pushed. "You seriously look spooked. Is it the Earl Wilson case that's bothering you? Is it Margot leaving?"

Sometimes Cody's perceptiveness surprised me. "Actually yeah, the case is getting to me. I was nervous to join Parker and Johnson. But honestly never in a million years did I expect to be working on a case like this one my first week in."

"You've gotta tell the boss," Cody suggested. "That's what Margot did. Cynthia will understand. It's not fair to you to be forced to work on something like this right away. I was surprised myself when she chose you."

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