The last of Tyler

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I was in the kitchen with Debbie Carl Mickey Ian Lip Fiona Kev and V. We were trying to figure out ways to get rid of Jacob. Mickey spoke up "We are gonna make this really fucking easy. We tell him to come to dinner tonight and to just walk in the front door. Then he can find Dani and Carl making out on the couch getting frisky then he'll get mad. And Carl can tell him what's gonna go down. And if he doesn't listen Carl just yells boys and me Lip Ian and Kev run down and scare the shit outta him." He explained. "I don't know Carl that well." I said. "I think you should Dani I mean it will get rid of him and get you single there's a lot of hot guys at our school." Debs said so I nodded. "Guys I think so this doesn't stress me and Dani are gonna go talk and and figure out what to send in the mean time girls go next door." Carl said. Me and Carl went upstairs and sat on his bed. "Dani I think your smokin but this is gonna be awkward because I have no intention of being in a relationship. So if you want we can text him and get it over with." He said. I nodded we walked down stairs and the boys go up and Tyler is 5 minutes away so I lay on the couch and Carl lays in between my legs and hovers over me. We slowly connect our lips and before we know it we're making out. Then Tyler walks in and screams "What the fuck!" We pull away and Carl stands up. "She got an abortion your abusive she is mine and your leaving." Carl said. I bit my lip not even realising. Tyler gets in Tyler's face. "BOYS" Carl hollered which was also so hot. They came running Tyler slapped my face really hard I fell and he ran. Ian helped me up. I ran upstairs into Carl's room I sat on his bed crying. A few minutes later someone comes in and shuts and locks the door. "Princess... It's okay." Carl said getting next to me holding me. I kiss him I felt the mood to kiss him. He kissed me back until he stopped us from having sex because I'm emotional whatever I run home in my room. I thought about how cold it's getting and that I need to stop wearing shorts. On that note I go to sleep.

In the morning I wake up to straighten my hair V did the back. I put on a crop top with a zip up jacket over it and ripped jeans I left the jacket unzipped. I do some highlight my brows and some lip gloss then I put my shoes on and run out to meet Carl and Debbie. I give Debbie a hug and ignore Carl. I shouldn't be mad but I wanted him now I don't. 

I walk in and go to my first class which is english. I see a girl talking to a hot boy. "Hey." The girl said. I looked over. "Hey." I said. "You new here??" This girl asked. I nodded. "I'm Joy this is my boyfriend Mike. Wanna sit with us at lunch?" Joy asked I simply nodded. Debbie sits with her friends at lunch. Carl he does whatever he does.

Skip to lunch

I walk into the lunch line then I sat at Mike and Joy's table. "Who are you?" A boy asked me I looked over. Holy fuck he's hot. And he's right next to me. "I'm Dani. You are?" I asked. "Baby I'm Noah." He winked at me. Then 2 guys and 2 girls sit down. On of the guys was Carl. "Hey girl I'm Cara this is Niki." I nod. "Brit and Patience are suspended and Jaden is sick." A boy said. "Well I'm Dani." I say "Stephen." The boy said. I nod. Carl sits on the other side of me. I caught Noah looking at me. I smiled as he asked me something. "So Dani you got a boyfriend?" He asked me I glanced at Carl gave Carl a glare and looked back at Noah. "Nah I'm single." I said. "Why'd you glance at Gallagher like that?" Cara asked. I look at her. "He pushed me away from him. I used to like him when I first met him. Now he's just a waste of my time." Is what I told her. I didn't mean it. Carl wasn't a waste of anything... I got Noah's number though.

After school

I walked home with Debbie and Carl. We walked in the Gallagher house. Debbie went to her room to call Derek to tell him to drop Franny off soon. Carl grabbed my wrist kinda hard and dragged me upstairs to his room and closed the door. "What the hell was that at lunch?" Carl asked me. I looked at him "Look your my best friend not a waste of space I just had to say something. And you did push me away asshole!" I yelled at him. He got angry. "This is all because I wouldn't fuck you!?!" He yelled. "No! It's how you were watching me like a hawk when I was talking to Noah. When I wasn't it'd be like you don't want shit to do with me." I said. He smashed his lips into mine. I kissed him back he sat him self on the bed next to me I got on his lap straddling him. Then I took my shirt off. I felt him hard. He gripped my thighs. Then someone came in. "OH SHIT FUCKING JESUS." Lip yelled. I put my shirt back on quickly. "You seen nothing." I said. "Bullshit you know what you seen." Carl retorted. Lip grabbed his jacket amd left the room. Me and Carl agreed to be best friends again. We can only fool around if neither of us is in a relationship....

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