Danger (Poetry)

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Hey guys, I recently watched the Mulan live action movie and I was slightly inspired to write this poem which relates to me as well, please consider commenting and giving me some feedback! If you like it do hit that little star button

Lots of Luv,

Cold is the rays of the sun,
Hot is scorching mark of my parents' shoes
Where I put my soft, bare, tender feet
Burnt is my face whenever I lift it
To the endless expectations

Must I pretend that I am someone else,
Something else,
Some other girl to impress them?
The truth is crystal clear as dew on a once enjoyable morning
I'm not scared of danger,
Nor my gender,
Nor the barriers

I strive to meet,
The future goal envisioned for me,
while others shy away from the mountain and the clouds,
I embrace the stabbing pain like a gift,
on a former Christmas day

Who is this girl I see?
So they ask, so they ask
I am noone, I reply
I was born from a sea of endless lies
Trained to believe my absolute incompetence.
To see that my emotions are mere weak string

Should I ask myself in the lava,
What the warriors would do?
I am brave as a lion,
But weak as any man obsessed with riches
Suffering past many scars, as many as the stars
I'm in pain,
But I'm not scared of the danger.

Danger calls to me
It provides icy cold spikes like warm milk
Warm sun rays like frozen waters of silk
It tempts and scares others
But not me, oh it scares not me
I'm not afraid of the danger

Waters rise,
Cities fall,
Your underestimations are abandoned when duty calls
The knives have cut away red strips of my heart
But I'm not scared
Not scared of this danger

My heart now needs a place to fly
A place that money cannot buy
Where my song will be saved
And my flesh won't be flayed
Where the dreadful voices of the superior will not stain my ears

Harsh is the soft face of a mother
Soft is a rock more than a man tripped over
My heart pounds and my eyes close
Are you scared? They shudder
No, my voice is clear as the former sky of this world
No, I am not scared of the danger

This hereafter will you not take my hand?
Join me on the white cushioned sand?
The danger calls like a sweet bird's melody
Unlike your razor sharp words and terrible serenity
To withstand danger you can not,
But the danger thenafter I will accept

What did you say?
It wasn't possible?
It wasn't sane?
It wasn't a perfect artwork in a frame?
I'm not scared of danger
Can you say the same?

When I float in pools of lava
Do I ask what they would do
All I know is that it's harder
To be with the birds who flew

Valentina 2020

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