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Their departure the following morning was smooth, thanks to Mrs Weasley's impeccable planning and preparation. Their trunks were packed, and Crookshanks, Hedwig, Pigwidgeon, and Arnold (Ginny's Pygmy Puff) were all in their respective cages and baskets, waiting outside even before the Ministry cars – that were there because Harry "needed protection" – rolled into the driveway.

This time, their security was not a cheerful Hagrid, Tonks, Moody, Lupin, or anyone they would actually like. Instead, two Aurors, both grim-faced and clad in black Muggle suits, awaited them as soon as they stepped out of the cars and marched them into the station without a greeting of any kind.

"Quick, quick, through the barrier," said Mrs Weasley. "Harry, you better go first, with –" she looked at one of the Aurors.

He nodded briefly and seized Harry's upper arm.

"I can walk myself, thanks," snapped Harry irritably, jerking his arm out of the Auror's grip. Kiera had to press a hand to her mouth to supress a laugh.

Once he was through the barrier, the rest followed in pairs. Harry immediately motioned to Ron, Kiera and Hermione to follow him up the platform, looking for an empty compartment.

"We can't, Harry," said Hermione apologetically. "We've all got to go to the prefects' carriage first and then patrol the corridors for a bit."

"Oh yeah, I forgot," said Harry, miserably.

"You'd better get straight on the train, all of you, you've only got a few minutes to go," said Mrs Weasley, checking her watch, which she was doing a lot lately. "Well, have a lovely term."

"Mr Weasley, can I have a quick word?" said Harry. Keira and Hermione exchanged worried glances.

"Of course," said Mr Weasley, who looked slightly surprised, but followed Harry out of earshot of the others, nonetheless.

Though Kiera would have tried to listen to what they were saying, she was soon caught into a goodbye hug by Mrs Weasley. She stepped into the train with Hermione and Ron, saying goodbye to Ginny (Harry was still outside) and left for the prefects' compartment.

With every step she took, Kiera body felt as if it was progressively turning into stone. Her knees seemed to protest their approach toward Draco Malfoy and Kiera almost contemplated giving up her position as prefect if it meant she could avoid him.

Far too soon, Ron had opened the carriage door and sat down just as the train lurched into movement. Thankfully, when Kiera sat down beside Malfoy (keeping as much distance between them as she could), Hermione sat down on her other side.

She didn't even notice she had started picking at her fingernails again until Hermione gently pulled her hands apart. "Stop that," she whispered.


Throughout the briefing, she noticed that Malfoy was not listening to a single word. Though she had half a mind to nudge him painfully in the ribs to demand he did, but she knew it wouldn't have been wise. Aside from Malfoy's lack of attention, Kiera noticed one more thing: Anthony Goldstein continuously glanced in her direction and smiled whenever he caught her eye.

When the briefing was done, Kiera was prepared to spend the next hour alone with her duties but was called back when a voice said her name behind her. Anthony was stepping out of the compartment and walking towards her.

"Oh – Hey, Anthony." She smiled. "How was your summer?"

"As good as it could've been with – you know ... So, do you want to do duties together?" he asked, giving her a confident smile. "I see Malfoy isn't helping."

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