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"I hate this!" said Ginny, sitting down next to Luna in the Room of Requirement. "I hate them all! Everything's wrong!" Kiera and Neville changed looks; it was not common that Ginny became so pessimistic. Of course, Kiera knew that it had only been a matter of time. The poor girl had had close to no contact with her family and must be worried dead. Not to mention the added worry of the Carrows and the stress of her NEWT classes.

"I'm sorry Ginny," said Luna, an authentic tone of remorse replacing her usual dreamy voice. "I'm sure they're all fine..."

Ginny shook her head in frustration, her hands weaving into her hair. Kiera thought she saw a few tears roll down her cheeks, her heart broke for the red-headed girl. "I just ... I'm sure the others are safe enough, but Ron..." Luna moved slightly to hug her best friend.

"Ginny, the Ministry thinks he's got Spattergroit, remember? I'm sure he's okay," Kiera said, doing her best to comfort her. But it was hard to reassure someone else of something that you found so difficult to believe yourself.

"But it's not just the Ministry they're in danger from, is it?" Ginny said shakily. "God knows what they're facing, they might freeze to death, or starve, or – or get eaten by a bear!"

Despite themselves, they all laughed slightly, then Ginny shook her head, "We've got to do something. Something, bigger ... something more than just paint on walls..."

For a whole five minutes, they sat in silence. Then, when no one was coming up with any idea, Kiera sighed and gave in. "There's something ... something very, very dangerous and risky and the detentions we've received so far would seem like child's play if we get caught..."

The other three all looked at her with various looks of confusion and interest. "Well, don't leave us hanging," said Neville, with a slight look of amusement.

"You all know that Dumbledore left as all something?" Kiera said, pulling out the flask that she kept around her neck but under her shirt, whilst the other three nodded. For a while, the girl remained quiet, transfixed by the swirls of whatever was inside the small bottle. "He left Harry something else."

"What?" asked Ginny, looking surprised. "But – but I thought he just gave Harry the Snitch -"

"Nope," shrugged Kiera. "Dumbledore also gave him the sword of Gryffindor."



"Don't get all excited," added Kiera quickly. "Scrimgeour didn't give it to him. Apparently it was 'missing' and not Dumbledore's to give away and a bunch of other bullshit. It's in Snape's office ... and he's gone a lot, doing Voldemort's bidding..."

"So..." Neville said slowly, eyebrows raised, "you're suggesting that we break into Snape's office when he's gone and steal the sword?"

"No, you're right," Kiera said, shaking her head. "I don't know what I was thinking."

"I'm in," said Neville, now grinning widely.

Kiera's eyes flew open and her eyebrows rose in disbelief. "What?" she stuttered.

Neville merely leaned back to relax his back against the wall. "I mean sure it's dangerous," said Neville. "But like Ginny said; we need to do something bigger, and this is big."

"He's right," said Luna. "I'm in, too."

Ginny nodded, wiping the remaining tear stains from her cheeks, and said, "Me three."

"O-o-oh okay," stuttered Kiera, still quite flabbergasted that the three were actually up for it. "So, I guess we're doing this."

"Yeah, we're doing this," confirmed Neville. "But just us four, though, this is too big to involve others."

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