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First Draft 💛
Highly unedited 🦟


I groaned at the fourth flower coming in this week with a cheesy note from you know who. It's starting to irritate me and deep down I want to go up to his office and give him a piece of my mind but I've had enough gossip going on about me already not to now talk of me confronting him in office. I can't even go to his apartment that's like going to a lion's den.

"You know what, dispose it or take it home. I don't want to see it" I told the janitor that brought it and I went back to work. I had so many unattended files and I want to finish them before going home tonight. I want to leave early tomorrow so I can go watch a movie or something.

"Another flower again from him?" Vivi asked when she entered and I nodded. She walked straight to my visitor's chair and she sat down. She picked up my remote and she switched on my TV. I looked at her and she changed the station to Zeeworld. What the fuck is wrong with this girl? She knows how much I hate Zeeworld.

"Just accept to go on a date with him now, He has been begging you since last week and you're here doing hard guy. Do you know how many girls in this office will want to go on a date with him?"

I knew Vivi was going to finally be on his side but I didn't expect it to be this soon. I rolled my eyes and I continued what I was doing. I wasn't going to let Vivi change my mind, she doesn't even know half of what I've gone through in men hands.

I once had an ex who will take things from me and still hit me on it. He's manipulative again and he's jobless. I rent an apartment for him with my money and I also furnished it to his taste, mind you he has an expensive taste and all the furnitures left a huge dent in my savings account. I also gave him weekly allowance and my salary will be divided into four. One section to my mum, one to my savings account, one to him and one to me. Out of mine, i will still lend him money.

The first time I broke up, he told all our mutual friends that he always take good care of me and he has never for once made me cry. Since I'm the secretive type, they believed I was overreacting and they all made me take him back.

When my mum finally knew what was going on, she recruited area boys from the street and they went to chase him out of the house. My mum collected the keys and my ATM card that I gave him in case he needs money urgently.

After that, he still went to tell our friends that my mum embarrassed him and when they found out the truth, they were mad at me again.

Another ex that I had always cheated on me ever since the beginning of our relationship. Sex with him was something else, he had zero ideas on how to pleasure a woman and he never gave me an orgasm during out time together. Most times I had to fake it so he can spare my body of the unnecessary pounding.

Even with that, i stayed with because sex doesn't define marriage and I thought he was going to learn until he started infecting me with various sexual infections. I was scared to ask him and I started using drugs secretly. The day a woman popped up on our doorstep with six month pregnancy and she attacked him for not sending her monthly allowance. I was stupefied.

He came back begging that he doesn't love her and it's me he loves, mumu me too believed. Until on Valentine's day that I saw different appreciation messages some girls sent to him. He had sent over six different gifts to six different girls with a promise of dinner another time because he's going to be stuck at work. When he left for work and a delivery guy brought me everything he got for me, then I knew that I was dating an animal. It was exactly the same thing he bought for those girls.

Let's not forget Korede, the main reason I moved away from Abéòkúta and moved here. I thought Korede was my mr. Right. He sent me beautiful texts day and night. He never hesitates to make me feel like a queen. When he proposed to me, i felt like a  queen because he finally made my wish come true. All through the planning of the wedding, he let me have the final say because he wants to give me my dream wedding. A week to our wedding, he's telling me he fell out of love and he will refund me for every dime i spent on wedding planning and he wants to cut everything off with me.

The most amazing fact is when he married my ex best friend in a traditional wedding few weeks later. I couldn't bear the taunts and snicker everyone threw my way. I wanted to die. I needed to get away from all the toxicity.

"Aunty, you've zoned out again" Vivian's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I shook my head.

"What did you say?"

"I said to just go on date with him now. Its just a date now, think of it as free food and if you want, an amazing night of sex. Who turns down free food?" Vivian shrugged and I felt like throwing my shoe at her.

"Vivi, I've had enough of men and i came here because of a public humiliation from a man. I'm not about to get into the same mistake"

"I get you but do you want to stay unmarried for the rest of your life? There's no one who hasn't had their own share of men. I just got out of a super abusive relationship but did I go against love? No. I know that i found love with the wrong person and I'm still going to find another amazing man who deserves me. My ex beat a baby out of me because I refused to get an adoption. My body is filled with marks of belts and whips and each time I try to get out of the relationship, he threatens to kill himself. He begs not to do it again and give him two days, he will do it again. It's by the grace of God I was able to get out. So don't let an asshole ruin the chance of you experiencing your own love story"

"I will think about it" I replied in defeat and Vivian pumped her fist into air in excitement. Wait what? Why's she excited that I'm going on a date with Tobi?

"Vivian, did Tobi bribe you?"

"If you put it like that, then No. He just gifted me money to help convince you. Na gift oh" She stood up and she stuck her tongue at me.

"I knew it, all these advices wasn't for free. How much did he give you first and how much is my cut?"

"He gave me 200k but it's a taboo in my family to share money with somebody so I can't give you"

"Viviaaannn" I stared at her in amusement

"What?!" She shrugged and she made her way out of my office. This girl is going to sell me before you know it.

First chapter for PriscillaYiadom4
She asked for an update first😝😝😝

Two more chapters coming in 💃💃💃

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Hera 💒💒

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