(22) 𝕥᭙ꫀꪀ𝕥ꪗ-𝕥᭙ꪮ

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Rivals hit 100K recently!! 🥳 Thank you guys for supporting this book and sticking with me even though I'm the slowest updater on the face of this app and take a hiatus after each chapter I publish- 😩😭🤣

Ps. I changed their ages again. Jungkook just turned 21 and Taehyung is 22 🙈



Taehyung stares at the tailored suit draped in protective plastic on his bed. He's supposed to be getting ready to leave for his meeting in Gyeonggi, but he can't stop thinking about what Jungkook said last night.

He can't stop thinking about Jungkook.

After several minutes of pacing, and psyching himself up, Taehyung leaves the room to go find the man who seems to be living in his subconscious rent-free.

It's Sunday, and Jungkook always works out on Sunday's so Taehyung knows exactly where to find him.

Being that it's still early, the gym is pretty empty, making it easy for Taehyung to spot Jungkook at the bench press. Although he's sure his eyes would find him in a heartbeat even if this gym was packed.

"Tae? I thought you had a meeting?" Jungkook sits up, beads of sweat rolling down his temples.

"I did, or...I do, but I'm not going."

Jungkook gives Taehyung a questioning look, waiting for him to elaborate.

There is no sense in beating around the bush now, so Taehyung gets right to the point.

"I'm going to stand up to my father. Tell him I want out of the contract and to make my own decisions from now on."

Jungkook raises his brows, "Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah, and I was wondering if you could come with me. Not in the room, just outside of the door, y'know, moral support?"

"Y-yeah, of course, whatever you need." Jungkook stands, still in a state of shock which is quickly turning to excitement.


"Do you wanna go now, are you ready?"

"'I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Taehyung shrugs and Jungkook grabs his belongings before following him outside the gym.

"I have to say, I'm pretty shocked you're actually doing this right now."

"You and me both," Taehyung chuckles, though it's more nervousness than amusement.

They reach Seong Lee's office and Jungkook turns to Taehyung, "But, I'm also really proud of you. I know it isn't easy sticking up to the man you're used to taking orders from."

"Well, I would've never even considered doing this if it wasn't for you. I couldn't stop thinking about what you said last night, about wishing for something I already have. It took a lot of thinking for me to finally see it, but you're right. I do have a choice. Everyone has a choice, and the one I'm choosing may feel like the toughest but, I know it's the right one. I'm not going to make the same mistake my mom did. My happiness is worth fighting for. You're worth fighting for."

Jungkook finds himself speechless, just smiling in awe, and Taehyung smiles back, cutely lifting his chin before saying, "Wish me luck," and walking into his father's office.

Seong Lee looks up from his paperwork and peers at his son through the reading glasses rested on the bridge of his nose, "Taehyung? What are you still doing here? I ordered you a cab half an hour ago. You should already be on your way."

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