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I eventually fell asleep^^

"Y/n" I heard my mom whisper, she must've have come home from work.

"Hmm" i hummed at her.

"Go to your room sweetie" she said tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"I'm okay here mom" I said turning the other way on the couch laying down still I had my eyes closed.

"Okay goodnight love you" she said walking towards her room.

"Goodnight mom" i told her sleepily.

Disclamier! Pluto is y/n's gamer name!:)
when I woke up I felt my phone buzz underneath my stomach. I grabbed and checked it.

Georgenotfound sent you a message

I forgot that that I messaged him last night.
I opened up instagrams and clicked on our dms.

No problem! We genuinely feel like your really skilled, dream has also mentioned multiple times that he wanted to do a manhunt video with you. If that's fine with you :]

I messaged him back.

Totally would be cool, I couldn't find his Instagram? Does he have one?

He messaged back quickly surprisingly.

Yep! He'll message you

Ah okay! Thank you george:)

He seemed cool. I got up and headed to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. After I did I headed to my moms room to let her know I was leaving to the morning cafe.

"I'm heading to the cafe mom need anything?" I asked her cracking her door a bit.

"No I'm good, stay safe! And take Ivan please I need time to myself" she said laying down still.

"Of course no problem mom bye" i told her heading to Ivan's room.

He was dead asleep, and looked hilarious.
"Ivan come on we're getting food"

He jotted up guessing he only heard the word food was the key to wake up him quick.
He slipped on his shoes and a jacket.

I walked out his room and went to the car with Ivan following me.

"Where are we going" I heard him ask as he buckled his seatbelt.

I looked back backing up making sure I didn't hit anything.
"The morning cafe dude" i said ruffling His hair

He tried to dodge it but he missed anyways.

On the way there we were listening to music and singing together. When we arrived I turned off the radio and took out the keys.

"Come on idiot" i told him hopping out the drivers seat and shutting the door.

He got out and followed me into the entrance. We both ordered what we usually ordered and sat down at a two seat table. I set my phone down.

"I gotta go pee if the food comes bring it to the table please" i told him as I got him.

"Yeah of course" he said scrolling on his phone.

I went into the bathroom and used it and washed my hands. I walked out when I saw my brother on my phone.

"What the hell Ivan" i said snatching up my phone from his hands.

"Dream messaged YOU?" He said exaggerating.

"Yeah george told me he wants to make a video or something like that" i said opening up my phone.

{Georgenotfoundxreader} six hours apartWhere stories live. Discover now