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Theme of Laura Begins to play. The spotlight points at James and Mary who are seen together right stage. Mary is laying in bed.James slowly walks away. Right before he walks off stage he looks back and goes back to Mary. He lifts her up and walks off stage with her in his arms. The spotlight is now on Angela, who is seen sitting in the center of the stage, twirling a knife while sobbing. Red and blue lights start flashing from left stage. Angela Gets up and starts running right stage. The lights stop flashing once she's off stage. Eddie and Laura appear from left stage.

Laura: We're lost again, aren't we?

Eddie: Nah, of course I know where we're going. Silent Hill is this way.

They walk off stage and the red and blue lights start to flash again and Angela runs across from right stage. When she reaches center stage, she looks back and begins to the run again off left stage. James Walks across the stage with Mary's body in his arms from right stage to left stage. Once he walks off, Eddie and Laura appear off right stage.

Eddie: Told you I knew where it was all along!

Laura: Yeah, yeah, I gotta go find Mary. Thanks for bringin' me, even though it did take forever lamebrain! Raspberry

Laura runs away from Eddie off left stage.

Eddie: Whatever...stupid kid.

Eddie walks off left stage.

A Letter From Mary: A Silent Hill 2 For the Playstation 2 AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now