Act I scene i

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James appears on right stage. The spotlight shows him alone.

James: Mary...could you really be in this town?

Mary's voice can be heard off stage.

Mary: In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hill. You promised you'd take me back there again some day. But you never did. Well, I'm alone there our special place...waiting for you...

James: I got a letter. The name on the envelope said...Mary. My wife's name. It's ridiculous! It couldn't possibly be true...that's what I keep telling myself. Our special place...what could she mean? This whole town was our special place.

The stage lights turn on and Angela is seen at a grave, brushing her hand against the front. James approaches Angela and taps her shoulder. A thick fog is all around them.

James: Excuse me, I'm kind of lost.

Angela: Ah!

James: Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm looking for Silent Hill. Is this the right way?

Angela: Um...yeah. It's hard to see 'cause of the fog, but you can't really miss it if you just go up this road.

James: Thank you-

Angela: But you don't want to go there! There's something wrong with it...and it's not just the fog.

James: Is it dangerous?

Angela: I don't know...maybe...

James: Alright...well thank you anyway-

Angela: I'm not lying!

James: Don't worry, I believe you. I guess I just really don't care whether it's dangerous or not. I'm going to town either way.

Angela: But why?

James: I'm looking for someone. Someone very important to me. I'd do anything to be with her again.

Angela: Me too. I'm looking for my mama - I mean my mother. It's been so long since I've seen her. I thought my father and brother were here too, but I can't seem to find them either...sorry I'm rambling, it's not your problem.

James: No, no. I hope you find them.

James starts to walk away towards left stage.

Angela: You careful out the fog.

James: You too.

Everyone leaves the stage. The Lying Figure appears left stage and starts stumbling towards right stage. James soon appears left stage behind The Lying Figure.

James: Made it to town. Geez, she was right. This place is dangerous, look at all this blood. That man looks hurt. Excuse me sir would you like some help?

The Lying Figure turns around to face James.

Lying Figure: She is at your special place.

James: Huh? You mean Mary? Is this some kind of joke? Did you write the letter?

Lying Figure: Did not.

James: Then who did, huh? A dead person can't write a letter!

Lying Figure: Who else's handwriting could that be? Of course she wrote it.

James: She died 'cause of that damn disease three years ago!

Lying Figure: Did she?

James: Yes!

Lying Figure: Then why are you looking for her?

James pulls out a red envelope.

James: You sent me this, that's why!

James drops the envelope and yells in pain.

James: Why is it red? The letter wasn't red before. This is all your doing!

Lying Figure: How do you know it's not yours?

James: Shut the hell up!

Lying Figure: She's waiting. She's at your special place.

The Lying Figure squirms and shrieks. It lunges at James and a struggle occurs between the two. James emerges victorious after strangling it.

James: This place is no joke. I'm gonna need to be on guard and find some sort of does that thing know about our special place? And what is this special place. Maybe the park on the lake. Afterall, we did spend the whole day there...just the two of us. All day. Staring at the water. Could Mary really be there? Is she really alive...waiting for me? But since I got here, every way seems to be blocked off, and the only way to the park is through the apartment complex over there...I'm glad I brought my flashlight. It looks kinda dark in there.

James walks off right stage, The fog subsides and the stage becomes dark.

A Letter From Mary: A Silent Hill 2 For the Playstation 2 AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now