Act II scene i

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The spotlight reveals James center stage.

James: I made it out of the hospital... but Maria's dead... I couldn't protect her. Again, I couldn't do anything to help. Laura's run off to god knows where in this god forsaken town. Mary...are you really waiting for me? Could you really be alive? You're the only thing I have to hope for anymore...I will find you. The historical society museum. I'm getting really desperate to find Mary if I'm looking in here...

James starts walking right stage slowly. Eddie appears right stage with a gun in his hand, sitting on the floor leaning against the wall.

James: This place gets creepier the further I's actually starting to look like a prison.

Eddie: Killin' a person ain't no big deal. Just put the gun to their head...pow.

James: Eddie, is that you? You killed someone?

Eddie: Bu-but it wasn't my fault! He made me do it!

James: Calm down Eddie. Tell me what happened.

Eddie: That guy! He had it coming! I didn't do anything! He just came after me! He was making fun of me with his eyes!

James: Just for that you killed him?

Eddie: What do you mean "just for that"?

James: Eddie, you can't just kill someone 'cause of the way they looked at you!

Eddie: Oh yeah? Why not? 'Til now I always let people walk all over me! Just like that stupid dog! He had it coming too!

James: Eddie!

Eddie: Hehe, I was just jokin' James. Anyway, I gotta run.

James: You're going out there alone?

Eddie: Yeah, see ya!

Eddie walks off stage. A second gun falls out of his pocket.

James: Eddie, you dropped this! Oh well, I sure could use it if he's not going to.

Maria appears behind bars left stage. James walks towards Maria.

James: You're alive! I thought that thing killed you! Are you hurt?

Maria: Not at all silly.

James: That thing stabbed you! There was blood everywhere!

Maria: Stabbed me? What do you mean?

James: It chased us to the elevator and then-

Maria: James, what are you talking about?

James: Don't you remember?

Maria: James honey, did something happen to you? Are you confusing me with someone else? You were always so forgetful. Remember that time in the hotel?

James: Maria?

Maria: You said you took everything, but you forgot the tape we made. I wonder if it's still there.

James: How do you know about that? Aren't you Maria?

Maria: I'm not your Mary!

James:'re Maria?

Maria: I am...if you want me to be.

James: What I want is an answer!

Maria: It doesn't matter who I am. I'm here for you James. See? I'm real.

Maria kisses James through the bars.

Maria: Don't you wanna touch me?

James: I...don't know.

Maria: Come and get me. I can't do anything through these bars.

James: Okay, stay right there. I'll be there soon.

James and Maria exit the stage.

A Letter From Mary: A Silent Hill 2 For the Playstation 2 AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now