Act II scene iv

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James and Angela are on opposite sides of the stage. Red lights illuminate the stage. The fog is turned back on. James slowly approaches Angela. Angela turns around and rushes towards James.

Angela: Mama! Mama, I was looking for you! Now you're the only one left! Maybe now I can rest...

James backs away from Angela.

Angela: Mama, why are you running away?'re not my mama! It's you! I...I...I'm sorry...Thank you for saving me...but I really wish you hadn't. Even mama would say I deserved what happened.

James: No Angela, mama was wrong!

Angela: No, no. Don't take pity on me. I don't deserve that. I'm not worth it. Or maybe you think you can save me. Will you love me? Take care of me? Heal all of my pain? That's what I thought. James, give me my knife.

James: No.

Angela: Saving it for yourself are you?

James: Why would I? I would never... It's hot as hell down here.

Angela: You see it too? For me it's always like this. That's why I don't want to be here anymore...

Angela runs off left stage. James leaves right stage and the lights go off. Maria and two Pyramid Heads walk on left stage. She is held back by them. James is on right stage, the spotlights are on them.

Maria: James!

James: No! Leave us the hell alone!

Pyramid Head stabs Maria and kills her. James falls onto his knees.

James: I was weak. That's why I needed you. To punish me for my sins. But that's all over now. I know the truth. This ends now.

The pyramid heads get close to James. Just as they raise their weapons in preparation to kill, James shoots both Pyramid Heads but instead of dying, they impale themselves. Mary can be heard off stage. James examines the two creatures and then walks off left stage.

Mary: What do you want James? You brought me flowers? I don't want any damn flowers! Just go home already. I'm disgusting! I don't deserve flowers. Between the disease and the drugs, I look like a monster! What are you looking at? Get out of here! Leave me alone already! I'm no use to anyone! I'll be dead soon anyway...maybe today...maybe tomorrow. It'd be easier if they would just kill me already. But I guess the hospital is making a nice profit off me. They really do want to keep me alive, don't they? Are you still here! I said get out! Are you deaf? Don't come back! James...wait! Please don't go. Stay with me! Don't leave me alone...I didn't mean what I said. Please James. Tell me I'll be okay. Tell me I'm not going to die. Help me.

A Letter From Mary: A Silent Hill 2 For the Playstation 2 AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now