Act I scene iv

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The lights dim and the fog subsides. The spotlight is on James and Maria who appear left stage. A red letter is seen on a wall. James brings his hand up to his head as if he had a headache.

James: Ow, hey. this looks like the same letter I got from Mary... except some of it is missing. that's strange.

Mary's voice is heard off stage.

Mary: In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hill. You promised you'd take me back there again some day. But you never did. Well, I'm alone there our special place...

Maria: Hurry up! we have to find that little girl before she's harmed by the monsters.

They both run right stage. Maria collapses on a bed and takes some pills out and swallows some.

Maria: James, wait. I feel kinda's just a hangover, I swear.

James: Maria! You should rest. I'll go on and when I find her I'll come get you.

Maria: Mmm. So comfy. James...what if you can't find Mary? What'll you do then?

James: I...haven't really thought about that. Rest up. I'll be back.

The spotlight follows James as he makes his way to the other side of the stage. He picks up a teddy bear and Laura appears onto the stage.

Laura: Hey! That's mine!

James: Laura, is that you?

Laura: You know my name?

James: Eddie told me.

Laura: That big fat blabbermouth!

James: You know Mary right? How do you know about Mary?

Laura: What's the big deal?

James: Why can't you just tell me?

Laura: You gonna yell at me if I don't?

James: No, I won't.

Laura: I was friends with Mary. We met at the hospital last year.

James: Stop lying to me! Sorry Laura, I didn't mean to yell.

Laura: You don't have to believe me! I didn't have to tell you anything!

James: But last year Mary was already...sorry, let's just get out of here, okay? This is no place for a kid. There are all sorts of strange things around. It's hard to believe you don't even have a scratch on you.

Laura and James begin to walk right stage.

Laura: Why should I? Wait, before we go, there's something we gotta get!

James: Later, right now we have to get out of here.

Laura: But it's really important! It's a letter from Mary! I wanna go get it! Is that okay?

James: Huh? Yes, yes!

Laura: Follow me! Hurry up!

Laura and James run left stage.

James: Is it in there?

Laura: Yeah, it's inside the desk.

James: Okay, I'll go get it.

Laura pushes James off stage.

James: Laura! What are you doing!

The lights turn off for a brief moment and James and Laura switch spots.

Laura: Ha-ha I tricked you!

James: Open the door Laura.

Laura: Why should I? I'm a liar, right?

Rachel appears right stage behind James. James turns around and notices a monstrous nurse.

Rachel: James...

James: Laura! Open the door!

Laura: Bye-bye!

James: Laura you little brat come back here!

Laura: No! You fartface!

Rachel: You don't remember me, do you James?

James: No, you just look like all the others!

Rachel: Don't tell me you've forgotten all this.

Rachel gets closer to James.

James: Stay away!

James points the knife towards Rachel.

Rachel: Oh you know you wanted this. That's why you did it to your wife, so you'd be able to have this.

James: Rachel? Did what?

Rachel: Don't pretend you don't know. James, come and get me. You know you can have this now. Remember how I would take care of your wife and you would come visit. I don't think you were visiting her. Maybe you were visiting me.

James: No! Just let me out! Tell me where Mary is, I know you know!

Rachel: How dare you reject me after all the trouble you went through! I was waiting for you to to just fucking take me!

Rachel picks up a pipe and attempts to attack James. James defends himself by stabbing her in the chest. Rachel dies. Pyramid Head appears right stage and knocks James off stage. Pyramid Head then picks up Rachel and leaves. James wakes up back on stage and realizes he's out of the room.

James: Stupid brat, the monsters are more helpful than her at this point. I'd better go get Maria.

James walks to the other side of the stage.

James: Huh? Where'd Maria go? She seems to be taking the same medication that Mary took Maria sick now too? Ugh. Where is this woman?

James walks to the other side of the stage. the lights turn back on, revealing a grandfather clock.

James: I guess I'll have to go on without her. There are scuff marks on the floor. Maybe I can push this.

Maria enters after James pushes the grandfather clock.

Maria: James!

James: Mary! Oh...Maria, it's you. I thought you were... sorry. Anyway, I'm glad you're okay.

Maria: Anyway? What do you mean anyway? You don't sound very happy to see me! I was almost killed back there! Why didn't you try to save me? All you care about is that dead wife of yours! I've never been so scared in my whole life! You couldn't care less about me, could you?

James: No, I just-

Maria: Then stay with me! Never leave me again! You're supposed to take care of me! Did you find Laura? Is she okay?

James: Yeah, but she ran away.

Maria: We've got to find her!

James: You really do seem to care about her. Do you know her?

Maria: I've never met her before. I just feel sorry for her. She's all alone. For some reason, I feel like it's my job to protect her.

James: Then we'd better get going and find her.

James and Maria enter through the hole behind the grandfather clock. They re-enter from left stage. They slowly make their way to center stage when Pyramid Head comes out and slowly follows them, dragging his large, heavy sword behind him.

James: Hurry! Into the elevator!

They run right stage and James walks off. Maria has her arm out.

James: It won't open up!

Maria: James!

James: Maria!

Maria: James!

James: No! No! No!

Pyramid head slowly catches up to Maria. Pyramid Head lifts up his large sword And lets it down on Maria.

James: Maria!

Maria falls limp and Pyramid Head drags her off left stage.

A Letter From Mary: A Silent Hill 2 For the Playstation 2 AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now