Act II scene ii

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Angela and Abstract Daddy appear center stage. Angela cowers in the while Abstract Daddy inches closer and closer to her.

Angela: No daddy! Please don't!

James walks on right stage.

James: What's going on in here! Oh geez!

James shoots Abstract Daddy. Angela gets up and kicks Abstract Daddy. The Abstract Daddy dies.

James: Woah, Angela! Relax!

Angela: Don't order me around!

James: I'm not trying to order you around.

Angela: So what do you want then? Oh I see. You're trying to be nice to me, right? I know what you're up to! It's always the same! You're only after one thing!

James: No, that's not true at all!

Angela: You don't have to lie! Go ahead and say it! Or you could just force me. Beat me up like he always did. You only care about yourself anyway, you disgusting pig!

James: Angela...

Angela: Don't touch me! You make me sick! You said your wife Mary was dead, right?

James: Yeah, she was ill...

Angela: Liar! I know about you! You didn't want her around! You probably found someone else!

Angela leaves left stage.

James: That's ridiculous...

James slowly follows. Maria appears back on stage, on a bed with her face bloodied. James walks back on stage, behind the bars along with Maria.

James: Maria! I found a way to you! Maria...what happened? Why? Why did you die again?

The lights turn off and everyone exits the stage.

The lights turn back on to reveal Eddie and James on stage. The fog turns back on. A corpse is seen at Eddie's feet. A blue light illuminates the stage. James starts to shiver

James: Eddie? What did you do?

Eddie: What does it look like? He was always makin' fun of me! "You fat disgusting piece of shit!" "Fatass! You're just a waste of life!" "You're so ugly, even your mama don't love you!" Maybe be was right. Maybe I'm nothin' but a fat piece of shit! But you know what? It doesn't matter if you're fat, or ugly, smart or pretty. It's all the same once you're dead! And a corpse can't laugh. From now on, if anyone makes fun of me, I'll kill them! Just like that.

James: Eddie, Have you gone nuts?

Eddie: You too? You're just like 'em James. I knew it!

James: Hey, I didn't mean anything.

Eddie: Don't bother. I get it. You've been laughing at me this whole time. Ever since we met in that apartment! I'll kill you too, James! Do you know what it does to you, James? When you're hated, or picked on, or made fun of, just 'cause of the way you look? I've been laughed at my whole fuckin' life! I killed the dog...and it was fun haha! It tried to chew its own guts out. Then he came after me. I shot him too. Right in the leg. I don't think he'll ever be able to play football again. Not on that knee anyway. He cried more than his stupid little dog! Then I ran here, to Silent Hill. Found that brat on the way here. I offered to escort her. How does she pay me back? She insults me! Should've killed her too!

James: You think it's okay to kill people? You need help Eddie.

Eddie: Don't get all holy on me James. This town called you too! We're both the same. We're not like other people. You're the one that needs help!

Eddie aims at James but James shoots Eddie quickly.

James: Eddie? I...killed another human...Dammit! I killed Eddie! was him or me, but still...a human being...Mary, did you really die three years ago?

James walks off left stage.

A Letter From Mary: A Silent Hill 2 For the Playstation 2 AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now