Act II scene iii

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James walks back on left stage. The lights are off and the spotlight follows James. The fog subsides.

James: The hotel sure hasn't changed in the past three years.

James walks right stage. James makes his way to the piano when he is startled by Laura who presses some keys.

Laura: Did I scare you?

James: Yeah, you did.

Laura: You're here to find Mary, aren't you James? Well, have you?

James: Not yet. Is that why you're here too?

Laura: She's here isn't she? If you know where she is, tell me! I'm tired of walking.

James: I wish I knew.

Laura: But she said it in her letter!

James: What letter?

Laura: Wanna read it? But don't tell Rachel, okay? I took it from her locker.

Mary's voice is heard off stage.

Mary: My dearest Laura, I'm leaving this letter with Rachel to give to you after I'm gone. I'm far away now. In a quiet, beautiful place. Please forgive me for not saying goodbye before I left. Be well, Laura. Don't be too hard on the sisters. And Laura, about James... I know you hate him because you think he isn't nice to me, but please give him a chance. It's true he may be a little surly sometimes, and he doesn't laugh much. But underneath he's really a sweet person. Laura...I love you like my very own daughter. If things had worked out differently, I was hoping to adopt you. Happy eighth birthday, Laura. Your friend forever, Mary.

James: Laura, how old are you?

Laura: Um, I just turned eight last week.

James: So Mary couldn't have died three years ago! Could she really be here?

Laura: Me and Mary talked a lot about Silent Hill. She even showed me all of her pictures. She really wanted to come back. That's why I'm here. Maybe you'll get it if you see the other letter. The one Mary gave me...huh? I must have dropped it! I've gotta find it!

James: Laura, don't go out there!

Laura leaves right stage.

James: Ugh, she just likes to run off doesn't she? The piano... Mary used to love playing the Piano...she was never really good. I still loved listening to her play it anyway...huh? A memo? "Mr. James Sunderland, The video tape you forgot here is being kept in the office on the 1st floor." To the office it is then.

James leaves right stage and comes back on with a video tape.

James: I don't know if I should watch this...I don't know if it'll just make me miss her more...what am I saying? I'm gonna find her. I know I will. She'll be happy I found this!

James sticks the video tape into the VCR and presses play. He watches what happens.

Mary: Are you taping again? C'mon, stop it. I don't know why, but I just love it here. So know what I heard? This whole area used to be a sacred place. I think I can see why. It's too bad we have to leave. Please promise you'll bring me back, James. Cough

Static is heard. Then a smooch.

James: I'm sorry...

Loud muffled screams are heard from the tape and then more static is heard. James slumps over and begins to sob. Laura skips in right stage and James wipes his face with his sleeve.

Laura: So there you are James! I found the letter. Here you can read it.

Laura hands James a red envelope.

Laura: Did you find Mary? If not, let's get going and find her.

James: Laura...Mary's gone...

Laura: Yeah I know, to a quiet place, Silent Hill. That's why I'm here, duh!

James: No...

Laura: Then what do you mean?

James: She's...dead.

Laura: Liar! That's a lie!

James: No...

Laura: She died 'cause she was sick?

James: No...

Laura: Then how?

James: I...I killed her...

Laura: You Killer! Why'd you do it! I Hate you! I want her back! Give her back to me! Give her back to me right now! I hate you! I knew you didn't care about her! I hate you, James! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! She was always waiting. Waiting for you to come visit her. But you never came! Why James? Why?

James: I'm... sorry. The Mary you know is no longer here.

Laura kicks James in the shin and runs away left stage. James pulls out the red envelope that Laura handed to him opens it and starts sobbing.

Mary: In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hill. You promised me you'd take me there again someday. But you never did.

James: Laura, I'm sorry...

Mary: James...I'm waiting for you. Do you hate me? Is that why you won't come? I'm waiting nearby James. Please, I want to see you James.

James: I'm coming Mary!

James runs off right stage.

A Letter From Mary: A Silent Hill 2 For the Playstation 2 AdaptationUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum