Act I scene iii

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The stage lights come on and the fog returns. James appears on left stage. Laura is sitting on a wall right stage. James walks right stage.

James: Where'd that red pyramid looking guy go?

Laura: Ring around the rosie. A pocket full of posies. Ashes. Ashes. We all fall down!

James: You! You're the little girl who stepped on my hand!

Laura: I don't know. Maybe I am. Raspberry.

James: What's a little girl doing in a town full of monsters?

Laura: What monsters? Are you blind?

James: What's that letter you got there?

Laura: None of your business! You didn't love Mary anyway!

She hops behind the wall.

James: Wait! How do you know about Mary?

James runs off right stage. Maria appears left stage and is looking over a railing out into the audience. James reappears right stage.

James: Damn, kids are fast. Screw it. Mary? Huh? You're not Mary.

Maria: Do I look like your girlfriend?

James: No. My late wife. Are you like her twin? Your face...and your voice, are just like hers. Your hair's kind of different. And Mary never did like the color red.

Maria: My name is Maria. I hope I don't look like a ghost to you.

She gets close to James. Their lips are almost touching. She places his hand on her breast and her hand in his back pocket.

Maria: See? Feel how warm I am?

James: You're really not Mary?

Maria: My name is Maria.

James: Sorry, I was confused.

James furthers himself from Maria and begins to step away.

Maria: Where are you going?

James: I'm looking for Mary. Have you seen her?

Maria: I thought you said she died.

James: Three years ago...but I recently got a letter from her. She said she'd be at our special place. Only, this whole town was our special place.

Maria: Well, I haven't seen her.

James: Maybe she meant the Hotel. We did spend a whole day in there too...

Maria: In the hotel huh? That's your special place? I'll bet it was.

James turns away and starts to walk. Maria stops him.

Maria: Oh don't get so mad. I was only joking. Besides, the hotel's this way.

James: You're coming with me?

Maria: You were just gonna leave me?

James: No but-

Maria: With all these monsters roaming around? I'm all alone. Everyone's gone. I look like Mary, don't I? You loved her, right? Or maybe, you hated her.

James: Don't say such ridiculous things!

Maria: So can I come?

James: Yeah, whatever.

They walk right stage.

Maria: You go ahead inside. I'll wait here. I'm not a big fan of pizza.

James: I didn't come here to eat.

Maria: Hurry back.

The fog turns off and the stage lights turn off. Everyone leaves the stage. The spotlight reveals Eddie and Laura left stage. Eddie is eating a large pizza.

Laura: So what'd you do? Robbery? Murder?

Eddie: Nah, nothin' like that.

Laura: You're just a gutless fatso!

Eddie: What'd you have to say that for?

Laura: I thought you said the cops were after you.

Eddie: I just ran 'cause I was scared. I ain't got no clue what the cops are doing.

Laura: But if you did something bad, why don't you just say you're sorry? I guess I run away lots too.

Eddie: They wouldn't listen to me anyway. No one will ever forgive me! Did you find that lady you were lookin' for? Mary right?

Laura gets up and hides under the table. The second spotlight reveals James on right stage. He makes his way left stage.

James: Eddie?


James: James.

Eddie: Right...

James: We met in that apartment building.

Eddie: Yeah, I remember.

James: Are you alone here?


Laura jumps out from under the table and runs right stage and off.

Laura: Bye-bye!

James: Wait! Eddie, let's go after her!

Eddie: Laura? Why?

James: So that's her name?

Eddie: That's what she said.

James: This town is full of monsters! How can you sit here calmly and eat pizza? We have to go help her!

Eddie: She said she was fine by herself! She said a fatso like me would just slow her down.

James: Forget you.

James runs right stage and the spotlights turns off. Eddie leaves the stage. The stage light turns on along with the fog. Maria appears right stage and James runs onto the stage.

Maria: Hey, there was a little girl here, she was too fast for me to catch up. We should go look for her.

James: I was planning on it.

They run to left stage.

Maria: Right there! I can see her. she went into that hospital!

James and Maria exit left stage.

A Letter From Mary: A Silent Hill 2 For the Playstation 2 AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now