Act II scene v

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Maria appears right stage wearing Mary's dress. James approaches her from left stage. The stage lights are on.

James: Mary!

Maria: When will you ever stop making that mistake? Mary's dead!

James: Maria? You're wearing her dress. I don't need you anymore!

Maria: You must be joking. I can be yours James! I'll be here forever! I'll never make you feel bad or yell at you. That's what you wanted! How can you just throw me away like you did with Mary?

James: I understand now. I know what has to be done.

James points the gun at Mary.

Maria: No, I won't let you! You deserve to die too!

James shoots Mary and a loud, monstrous groan is heard. The sound subsides.

Mary: James...

James: Mary?

Mary: James.

James: Forgive me.

Mary: I told you that I wanted to die, James. I wanted the pain to end.

James: That's why I did it honey. I just couldn't watch you suffer...that's not true. You also said you didn't want to die. The truth is, I hated you! I wanted you out of the way...I wanted my life back.

Mary: James...if that were true, then why do you look so sad? Please do something for me, James. Go on with your life.

Mary hands James a white envelope before she goes limp. James then carries her off left stage stage slowly. Theme of Laura (reprise) starts to play. The fog starts to spread on stage. Laura appears stage right, sitting on a bench and James approaches her. James holds her hand in his and then she hugs him. He hands her the letter and she looks at it for a few seconds and begins crying. Laura hops on James's back and they leave the stage as Theme of Laura (Reprise) fades. Mary's voice starts to read the letter.

Mary: In my restless dreams, I see that town. Silent Hill. You promised me you'd take me there again someday. But you never did. Well, I'm alone there now...In our special place...Waiting for you...Waiting for you to come to see me. But you never do. And so I wait, wrapped in my cocoon of pain and loneliness. I know I've done a terrible thing to you. Something you'll never forgive me for. I wish I could change that, but I can't. I feel so pathetic and ugly laying here, waiting for you...Every day I stare up at the cracks in the ceiling and all I can think about is how unfair it all is...The doctor came today. He told me I could go home for a short stay. It's not that I'm getting better. It's just that this may be my last chance...I think you know what I mean...Even so, I'm glad to be coming home. I've missed you terribly. But I'm afraid, James. I'm afraid you don't really want me to come home. Whenever you come see me, I can tell how hard it is on you...I don't know if you hate me or pity me...Or maybe I just disgust you...I'm sorry about that. When I first learned that I was going to die, I just didn't want to accept it. I was so angry all the time and I struck out at everyone I loved most. Especially you, James. That's why I understand if you do hate me. But I want you to know this, James. I'll always love you. Even though our life together had to end like this, I still wouldn't trade it for the world. We had some wonderful years together. Well, this letter has gone on too long, so I'll say goodbye. I told the nurse to give this to you after I'm gone. That means that as you read this, I'm already dead. I can't tell you to remember me, but I can't bear for you to forget me. These last few years since I became ill... I'm so sorry for what I did to you, did to us...You've given me so much and I haven't been able to return a single thing. That's why I want you to live for yourself now. Do what's best for you, James. James...You made me happy...

A Letter From Mary: A Silent Hill 2 For the Playstation 2 AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now