New... Dad?

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Still Seren POV

"Happy Bithday Renren!" a younger kid we called Blitz said. I had just turned 15 and returned to the same orphanage for the 6th time. I try to stay positive and eat for Blitz, but it sometimes causes me to break right in front of him. Luckily, he hardly remembers such.

"Oh, Ren and Blitz, a nice man is coming to see you guys today!" Ms. Harper said. I nodded and got up to help her with chores. About 3 hours later, me and Blitz were called into a room. He smiled at both of us as we walked in the room. I normally get adopted for the others. I hope Blitz gets adopted by him.

The two spiked up a conversation, I hopped in once or twice but left the talking to Blitz. Just as I was actually chill around him, a felt a spiking pain in my head and stomach. I tried to ignore it, but it just kept getting worse. "Hey, I'll be right back..." I said to get away. They both nodded as I left the room.

I left and once i was far enough away from the door, I turned into a coughing mess. Tippy, my service dog, came up to me and he tried helping me. He barked for Ms. Harper once it got bad. "Seren!" she yelled, worried. You could really hear the worry in her voice.

I was holding my stomach with my wrist to my forehead. It crushes me to think I almost broke in front of Blitz. She ran to get me a snack, knowing this was because I haven't eaten. I tried eating and stomached a couple crackers. The pain died down and I returned to Blitz and the man. I never caught his name...

I went back to my room and Blitz was packing. "C'mon Renren! We have to pack!" he said, excited. I was confused. "Eret is adopting us!" A smile grew on his face. I smiled a little and went to pack. I got to my desk and picked up the picture frame with me, Toms and Tubs in it. I carefully placed it in my bag, grabbing my purple bunny plush that matched Tommy and Tubbo's from years ago.

I stepped out of my room with Blitz, a slight smile on my face. Eret took us outside to his car and had us load everything up. Once we were on the road, he asked me about myself since we didn't really talk. I told him about being in and out of that place since age 3, meeting so many cool people, and Tommy and Tubbo.

He just stopped me. "Tommy and Tubbo? As in these kids?" he said as we hit a stoplight. He pulled up a video of Tommy and Tubbo with their family. "Yeah! That's them!" I said. I was really happy Eret knew them. We got to our new home, got a tour, and unpacked. I set the picture frame on my dresser when I was done.

"Seren, Blitz, I made dinner!" Eret called. I walked into the kitchen to hear Blitz. "First dinner with dad!" he said. I could tell Eret was happy Blitz called him dad. We all sat down, and they ate. I was messing with my food, and Eret looked at me like he understood what I was doing.

Blitz looked at me when he finished eating. "Aren't you going to eat Renren?" he asked. "Ren just isn't hungry bud..." I said trying to lie to him. He doesn't know about my eating disorder. "Two bites... for me?" He held up three fingers. I held up the fingers, agreeing.

I ate what I could before I couldn't eat anymore. I offered to help with some chores, but he declined my help. I was confused why. Everyone liked when I helped out. I went to my room and held my bunny plush, examining it. Just as I was getting cozy, there was a knock at the door.

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