Chapter 25: Precogination

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An: Look up Precogination if you don't know what it means. It won't make sense if you don't. Also, you may want to re read the first few chapters for it to make sense. If you are confused about this chapter then ask me and I'll be happy to answer.

Paige's POV

I wake up to my dream. You know when you wake up you say," Oh it was just a dream?" I wish I could say the same. I have precognition dreams. It means that when I dream the events will happen in the future. It usually happens right when I wake up. My dream was terrible. I can't go through with this.

The first event that occurred was the ALDC burning down.

"Paige it's time for dance!" My mom yells. What day is it? I check my phone and in fact as it said in my dream it was October 27, 2014 the day the ALDC burned down. Then I'm going to be tortured, go into a coma, then be in jail without a trial, and Maddie and my evil sister Brooke dies.

I get into the dance studio. This time I'm going to keep an eye on Abby.

"Good morning girls! Let's get to pyramid!" Abby squeals. It made me sick that she would kill Maddie's mother. She reveals our head shots on the pyramid, which rates is on our last performance. On the bottom was Kendall, then Nia, Kenzie, and surprisingly I was third followed by Chloe and Maddie. My solo had placed third against Chloe, who won, and Maddie was the group leader.

"Why is Kendall on the bottom and not Chloe? I was good to you all week!" Jill wines. She always was jealous of Chloe and I can see it now.

All of a sudden I grab my mom, purposely leaving my sister, and run outside. This was the time the Abby Lee Dance Company would turn into ashes.

"Paige! What are you doing?" My mom asks me angrily, which sounds more like a statement than a question.

"Mom there's a murder and they're going to burn the ALDC down!" I reply.

"Did you have another dream?" She questions as I nod my head.

"Oh my gosh! Why did this have to happen?"

"Mom, Brooke's a murderer too." I add gently. All of a sudden the place lights on fire. I watch once more my dream getting crushed, my friend will soon die, and I will have the worst three months of my life.

*the end*

An: I'm very upset to end this book. You guys are really nice and supported me throughout. I'll write a sequel if you guys want, but I need 5k views, 250 likes and 100 comments. Thank you guys so much, you have no idea how much I appreciate every single like, read and comment. Whenever I see the notification button with a number on it, it makes me smile. I know that half of you aren't reading this, but I want you to know how grateful I am.

Also, please check out my other books. If you liked this my book Pretty Tragedy is also mystery. I'm also going to make a book called Amber Alert and it's going to be about Paige getting an Amber Alert about herself. Thank you guys so much!

Dance moms Who Done It (a Chloe Lukasiak, Madison Ziegler, Kendall Vertes, Paige Hyland, Brooke Hyland and Nia Frazier fanficWhere stories live. Discover now