~Caught in the act~

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Helloo chapters will be a bit delayed this week since I have a lot of studying and memorizing to do for school so I may or may not fail!(Ill tell you when I get results. Anyways enjoy the chapter :)


Tommy's POV:

I wake up, dreading the moment I have to move, my whole body aches. I'm starting to notice the cuts and scrapes I make while trying to climb the tree yesterday. Whimpering in pain I sit up, letting the cold air soak in. I groan, climbing down the tree, being extra careful not to do any damage. I should've stayed.. I scolded myself, no going back now. If I went back, they would never let me outside again and then what would they do to Tubbo? How would he feel about me leaving? A shiver went down my spine, would he hate me? I feel all the anxiety hit me, speeding up my pace to particularly no where. My feet lead me to the road, knowing that would be an easy open area to find me I go into the forest a little bit so it protects me from the people passing by. I keep walking until I reach a sign showing how far away the city is. Its so far away.. I become nervous wanting nothing more then to curl up in a ball and sit next to Tubbo. I miss those days, the happy ones. I should go back, but if I do it won't be the same. I reach into my pocket for the picture of the 3 boys, looking down at it I sigh, I shouldn't of left..
(TW Throwing up, regret and panic attack TW)

You deserve it all.. I loose my balance, my heart aches and my chest feels like it's going to explode. Suddenly, the limited food I've eaten in the past 3 days were out of my system, leaving a horrible smell, crying as it all happens.

Your such a cry baby!

He should hate you

Just give up

My heart raced quickly, I choked on my ugly sobs wishing for it all to end. Hoping that maybe this is just a horrible nightmare I can wake up from. But I can't, it's life and there's nothing you can do about it.

(TW over TW)

I end up resting in the spot I fell for a bit, not having the strength to move. I want to sit here and suffer, but I'll die if I do, although it's temping I'm not going to. Getting up my legs ache, limping over to the road, I know someone might see me but I don't care at this point. As long as I get to the city I'm fine. After walking for what seems like forever a car drives past me, but slows as it gets closer. Nervous as they stop, they look to me "Hey kid, want a ride?" I nod desperately wanting to get out of the cold. Slipping into the warm car I sigh in relief. This person, who seems to be a short, blonde haired girl faces me, smiling guiltily. "Could you take me to the city? I got lost and I'm heading back to my hotel" I lied, she nods believing it and we sit in silence.

After about 20 minutes we start to reach the city, some familiar buildings come to view and I grit my teeth, I've been out on the streets before and it's not fun. "Well this is your stop" she grinned at me, showing the random hotel I asked her to take me to. I thank her and leave the car, watching her travel off in the distance. I sigh, starting to move down the street, knowing this city, hotels wouldn't be cheap so going to the market for supplies would be helpful. Once I reach the market I head straight to the comforter section. Looking at the cheapest ones. After about 5 minutes of choosing between 2 I pick a 20 dollar one, it will get good use so I don't mind. Although I don't eat very much, I don't want to starve so I head to the food isle, picking out 2 apples and a box of pre cooked chicken, neither look very appetizing but I don't really care. With the little items I had I carried them to the counter, feeling heavy in my arms fron my exhaustion. Putting the on the counter I don't have the energy to look up at the person standing there, they tell me how much and I reach in my pocket to give them the money but they stop talking, confused I look up. Shocked and scared to what I see.

Techno works here?! Since when!

Out of habit, I run and get brutally no where. He seems to yell something but it's too blurry to hear, I feel strong arms hold my shoulders back from moving. I try to pull away but he's too strong, whimpering in pain I give up. He turns me and looks me in the eyes, I start to cry and I feel him pull me into a hug and I cry into his shoulder. I can tell he's not used to physical touch so why is he trying? Why does he care? He pulls me into what seems to be the staff room, sitting me on a chair. I watch him pull out a phone dialling a number. "Wilbur, I found him" hearing muffled voices he speaks again, "I know I know, we'll wait in the staff room just text me when your here" my heart drops and he hanged up the phone sighing. He looked to me "Wanna talk about it?" I shake my head, wanting to think about anything but what's happening. He nods, siting down beside me. This sure is going to be a h*ll of a day.


Hellooo, once again, I'm going to edit tomorrow cause I'm tired and want sleep but I hope you like this! It's a little shorter since I've been busy non stop but I hope you are excited for the next one >:3 anyways until tomorrow bye!

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