Chapter 16: Conhorse

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"Are you sure he said that?"

"To the latter, Uncle you think we can believe what he meant?"

"Dipper," the old man stood on his knee, "What did I tell you not so long ago?"

"Trust no-one. I get it. But it is not about blind trust. He truly doesn't have the motive. He could just come and steal that ball already, he knew where it was all along. Why would he do it now?" Dipper sighed, "He is...not a good person, I understand. He is manipulative, lying, and downright scary sometimes. But he is not a chaotic maniac like Bill is, you see?"

"And what do you suggest? That we let him roam around freely?"

"At least until he attacks. It doesn't mean that we shouldn't find a way to get rid of him if he does. We should focus on one problem at a time."

Ford hummed in thought. The kid was smart, impressively so. And it did make him proud. The old man had already begun searching for better ways of taking down the powerful ghosts than simply run for one's life.

"Fine. We will do just that. We need to proof the shack against Bill. For that I have all ingredients, except..."

"Unicorn hair?" Mabel asked as everyone was now present at the family meeting. Danny just happened to be nearby, in the living room along with Dani. The ducktective episodes were being repeated right now, but the girl was satisfied. Upon hearing this, Phantom sent a smug grin their way, and Dipper sure noticed it.

"That's not, like, rare, is it?" He asked.

"It's hopeless," Ford looked at the Journal 1, while adjusting his glasses, "Unicorns reside deep within an enchanted glade, and their hairs can only be obtained by a pure good-hearted person who goes on a magical quest to find them."

Mabel squealed, "Grunkle Ford, can I please go on this quest? I am literally obsessed with unicorns! My first word was "unicorn," I once made my own unicorn by taping a traffic cone to a horse's head. Are you even looking at the sweater I'm wearing right now?! Not to mention that I'm probably the most pure of heart person in this room."

"The very fact that she says this so openly makes me doubtful," Danny mumbled.

"What are you saying, Daddy?" Dani whispered.

"Nothing important. They are talking about unicorns."

The girl grimaced, "Yuck. They are awful."

Phantom raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean by that?"

"They are all cheerful, sugary, and sound so whiny. I don't like them."

Danny smiled. It seemed that he was raising a rather tomboyish child. Her choice of attire should have hinted at it. Phantom got back to listening to the conversation.

"Danny said that they don't actually care about the pure heart."

"You sure that his words on this matter can be trusted?" Ford asked.

"Wait a second, how does Danny know about it?" Mabel inquired, making the room fall silent. Cue the confusion.

"I once punched the confession out of one," Phantom called, sticking his head into the doorway. The chair happened to be right near it. "By 'punched' I mean that I gave him an extreme amount of punch. Get it?"

Nobody laughed. "Oh, look who is judging whom. He was one drunk horse. So if the 'pure heart' nonsense doesn't work, you know what to do, girl."

"How will it prove that I have a pure heart this way?"

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