9. Gryffindor Tower

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Song for this chapter ~ POV by Ariana Grande

Waking up the next morning, I was pleasantly surprised that I barely felt any pain. As I pressed gently on where my rib cage was, there only remained to be a bit of tenderness; however, I no longer felt the need to cry out in pain from the simplest movement. Lifting up the sweater to see the dark purple bruise that now rested on my side, I vaguely remembered George's visit late last night. My heart swelled with the memory of him holding onto my hand, making me feel the most safe I've ever felt. However, this was the extent of what I remembered, seeing as the potion Madam Pomfrey had me drink made me quite drowsy. As I now looked around the room, it seemed as though he was nowhere to be found.

He probably left after I drifted off to sleep last night, I thought.

As I continued to daydream, Madam Pomfrey walked towards my bed with more of what seemed to be the potion she had me drink yesterday.

"Good morning dear, how are you feeling this morning?" she asked kindly.

"Much better, thank you," I said, now grabbing the cup she had reached out to me. "It's only a little sore...nothing more." Although I was feeling much better, I was worried Madam Pomfrey would have me stay another night, something I did not wish to do.

"Very well...you may leave to go to The Great Hall then for breakfast—only after you finish drinking however." I quickly obliged, and guzzled down the entire potion in one go, my face expressing my disgust from the awful taste.

With a bewildered look, and a shaking of her head, the witch walked away from my bed, which I now took as her permission for me to leave. I quickly got out of the bed and began to gather all my belongings before heading back to my dormitory to change. As I began to head out of the Hospital Wing, I suddenly remembered I still had George's sweater on. Thinking it'd be best in order to not garner the suspicions of others, I quickly slid it off and concealed it underneath the rest of my belongings.

Heading into the Slytherin common room, there were a few students who remained before they headed to breakfast; so I quickly rushed into my dormitory, dropped off all my possessions and put on some new clothes.

As I now made my way into The Great Hall, I could already see the others, George included, already seated at the Gryffindor table. Making my way towards the table, my heart began to race a bit more than normal, just from the sight of him.

Approaching the table, I now saw that George was situated in between Ron and Wood, all while facing his twin. Seeing as it was the closest spot to where I stood, I grabbed the seat right next to Fred.

"Good morning," I shyly muttered to the table, all while sneaking a quick glance at George, who gave me a quick smile. Before he could reply back, Fred spoke up.

"Morning—you seem to be better all of a sudden. Am I sensing slight exaggeration from you yesterday?" Fred said, chuckling at his teasing. Although Fred didn't notice, George now shot him a glare.

"Don't expect pity from me when it's you who gets blasted with a Bludger." I said amusingly, while rolling my eyes. "So Wood, how was your shower yesterday?" I asked teasingly, although from the confused expression he now gave me, he had no idea what I was talking about. Fred let out a wide grin while he bit down on a piece of his toast, making me chuckle at my own teasing. It was now George's sister who spoke up, as she approached the table and sat down.

"Seeing as you guys are going to Hogsmeade today, can I finally come along? You and Fred promised I could go this time," she pleaded, reaching for George's arm to get his attention.

Flames of Eternity // George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now