The Aftermath

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The next morning, Hinata was the first to wake up. He of course, had a massive hangover. He stretched out and noticed that he wasn't in his room, and he was being cuddled by someone... AND IN HIS UNDERWEAR?! He looked around as to not wake up the mystery person behind him, and he was DEFINITLEY not in his room. He decided to quietly break out of the spooning position that he was locked into, and turn around to see who the hell this person was. He turned and saw a puff of black hair, but the person had some of the blanket over his face (due to Hinata carelessly throwing it when he turned around) so Hinata thought "Who the hell is this?" he pulled the blanket off of the boy's face, and realized that it was Kageyama, also in his boxers. "OH SHIT" Hinata almost said out loud. "Did I have sex with Kageyama?!" he thought as he ran into the bathroom. He looked into the mirror and saw the hickeys on his neck. "SHIT!" he yelled. "Morning" A voice said from behind him. he turned and saw Kageyama leaning against the doorway of the bathroom, still on only his boxers, rubbing his eye with his hand. Hinata immediately turned bright red and slammed the door in Kageyama's face. "Ow! Dumbass what the hell is wrong with yo-" Kageyama was cut off by realizing what he had just saw, hickeys on Hinata's neck, Hinata in only his underwear, and god damnit he was in his underwear too! "Hinata come out!" Kageyama yelled, blushing almost as hard as Hinata. Hinata slowly opened the door and peeked out.

"GET ME SOME DAMN CLOTHES!" he screeched before slamming the door again. Kageyama grabbed one of his shirts, and opened the bathroom door and threw it at Hinata. "THIS IS ONLY A SHIRT!" Hinata yelled.

"yeah because my pants are too big for you, stupid." Kageyama said. "Now get out of there" Hinata walked out, pulling the shirt down so it wouldn't show his boxers. Kageyama of course, blushed harder. "What the hell happened last night?! I can remember chugging Kool-Aid and that's it." Hinata said as he tried and failed to remember anything.

"Did we... have... sex?" Hinata said, looking like a tomato at this point.

"Well, you can walk so... no." Kageyama said.

"WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" Hinata yelled, and if he could blush any harder, he was.

"What that is supposed to mean, is that if we did have sex, I would have not gone easy on you. And you can walk so we didn't, that is the end of that" Kageyama said as he was pulling a shirt over his head.

"Okay... but that doesn't explain what happened. I know we got really drunk, but how?" Hinata asked, finally calming down.

"I think someone put some alcohol in our drinks. and since we kept chugging them, someone had to be doing it every time..." Kageyama replied, thinking so hard that his brain might explode.

"OH MY GOD IT WAS TANAKA AND NOYA! AND TSUKKI KEPT ASKING THEM TO BRING IT TO US! THEY PLOTTED AGAINST US!" Hinata screamed. "And whyyyyyyy do I have hickeys on my neck?" Hinata asked.

"I don't know, let's get to practice, we're late" Kageyama said. They both put some practice clothes on (Hinata wore some of Kageyama's old ones from middle school so they fit him) and went to the gym. They got to the gym and the team was already there. They both got some odd looks, but they thought that everyone drank alcohol at the party.

"AYYYYYE BROS!" Tanaka and Noya screamed in unison as they ran at the two younger boys.

"oOoOoOo whats thisss??" Tanaka asked, poking Hinata's neck where the hickeys were.

"Nothing" Hinata said, blushing again and backing away. Kageyama got awkward also and looked at the ground.


"oOoOoOooooo and then you two..." Tanaka said as he was shoving his pointer finger through a hole he made with his hand. 

"WHAT NO" Hinata yelled, once again, turning to a tomato.

"Yeah we concluded that that didn't happen" Kageyama said, glaring at Tanaka and Noya. The whole team, due to Noya screaming like a bird, heard the whole thing.

"JUST SO EVERYONE KNOWS, HINATA AND I DID NOT FUCK!" Kageyama yelled, cupping his hands over his mouth to amplify his voice. Hinata literally fell over due to so much embarrassment. Tsukki and Yamaguchi were laughing, Daichi and Suga's jaws were on the floor, and the rest of the team were absolutely silent. They finished practice and went back to Kageyama's house to retreive Hinata's clothes. 

The two made it to Kageyama's house and Hinata had his own clothes on now. 

"Kageyama do you have food? I'm hungry." Hinata asked, walking into the kitchen and unknowingly swaying his hips as he walked.

"Oh... um... yeah its in the cabinet. Help yourself" Kageyama said, averting his eyes to the window.

"Thank youuuu" Hinata said with a smile. Kageyama's cheeks flushed bright red. Kageyama spun Hinata around and away from the cabinet. "HEY WHAT ARE YOU-" Hinata said, interrupted by Kageyama pressing his mouth to Hinata's

"Dumbass." Kageyama panted once he pulled away. As if unknowing of what he was doing, he ran his pointer finger up and down Hinata's throat, running it along his collarbone, then moving up to his jawline. "You can't distract me with..."

"With what?" Hinata asked, starting to blush for what seemed like the 500th time today

"With, you know..." He gestured at all of Hinata. "This." Hinata leaned back against Kageyama's front. He felt a rather large thing pressing against him, and he blushed even more

"That's not fair, Kageyama" he said, and Kageyama made a soft whimpering in Hinata's ear. He was bent in half, curling up around Hinata to as if he was to never let him go. "You're not allowed to distract me either"

"With what," Kageyama gasped desperately. He pressed his lips to Hinata's cheek, then mouthed his way down Hinata's neck, almost leaving more hickeys.

"No more marks, Kageyama." Hinata gasped as he pulled away from the kiss. "I have to go now..." He said, looking down at the ground.

"Okay" Kageyama replied, walking Hinata to the front door. Kageyama leaned down and pecked Hinata on his pink and swollen lips. "Bye" Hinata walked out of the door and freaked out. Does Kageyama like him too?!?!?!


Hinata tries to find out if Kageyama likes him


How Kageyama and Hinata Realized the Feelings are MutualWhere stories live. Discover now