The Morning After

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"Oh shit!" He yelped as he flopped back onto the bed. "What the hell did you do Bakeyama?! My ass hurts- WHAT THE HELL I'M NAKED?! And... YOU'RE NAKED?!" Kageyama started laughing as Hinata covered himself with blankets.


HELLOOOOOO sorry my internet has been doing a stupid so I haven't been able to update.

plus im a good kid so I do my schoolwork (im making this when i'm supposed to do work shhhhh)

this chapter is not my favorite but I hope you like it!

this chapter is hella short lol but i'll be updating again today haha

The smell of bacon and pancakes filled the air. Kageyama was the first of the two boys to wake up. He remembered last night's events and blushed as he was looking at Hinata, snuggled against his chest. 'cute' Kageyama thought, kissing Hinata on the head and hugging him tighter.
"Morning" Hinata mumbled as he started to wake up.
"Oh I'm sorry to wake you up..." Kageyama said.
"It's fine" Hinata said, starting to get up. "Oh shit!" He yelped as he flopped back onto the bed. "What the hell did you do Bakeyama?! My ass hurts- WHAT THE HELL I'M NAKED?! And... YOU'RE NAKED?!" Kageyama started laughing as Hinata covered himself with blankets.
"You seriously don't remember?" he said, still laughing.
"Of course I don't!" Hinata yelled. Kageyama was a little hurt, given it was their first time doing "it" and Hinata didn't even remember.
"Erm well... we did... it?" Kageyama said as he averted his eyes away from Hinata.
"Oh... that makes sense." Hinata said. "well... did you like it?"
"well yeah I did. It was with you wasn't it?" Kageyama said, still not looking at Hinata.
"Where are our clothes?" Hinata asked.
"Over there in the corner. I'll go get them." Kageyama said as he got out of the bed. 'oh my god he is actually really hot...' Hinata thought, taking in the view of Kageyama walking over to the pile of clothing, still naked.

The two boys got dressed and started their way to the kitchen to see where that wonderful smell was coming from.
"Oi, nice ass" Hinata whispered as he smacked Kageyama's ass.
"hey what the hell? don't do that or I won't help you walk" Kageyama said. That made Hinata stop. They made it to the kitchen to see that everyone was already awake. Suga and Daichi were making breakfast, it looked to be bacon, pancakes, eggs, and coffee. Everyone else was sitting in the living room talking about whatever they were talking about. The two walked over, more like Kageyama walked, Hinata waddled, and sat down next to Yamaguchi on the sofa.
"Morning lovebirdssss" Tanaka said, batting his eyes.
"No offense, Tanaka-senpai, but you have no room to talk. you disappeared with Ennoshita halfway through the party" Kageyama stated, shrugging his shoulders. Hinata looked around the room,
"Where is Ennoshita-Senpai anyways?" Hinata asked.
"He is still asleep." Tanaka said, getting up to grab a piece of bacon off of a plate, only to het his hand smacked by Suga.

Everyone knew that Kageyama and Hinata had sex last night, and if they didn't, Hinata's limping was a dead giveaway. The team said their thanks to Suga for allowing them to stay over, and went back to their homes. Kageyama and Hinata went to Hinata's house to watch a movie. They snuggled through three movies and when it was time for Kageyama to leave, Hinata walked him to the door.
"Bye Hinata! Thank you for having me over." Kageyama said as he was walking away.
"Wait!" Hinata said, running over to Kageyama and hugging him. He looked up at the surprised Kageyama with his honey brown eyes "I love you" He said, burying his face into Kageyama's chest.
"I love you too, Shoyō" Kageyama said.
"Oh.. you called my by my real name? I will call you Tobio then." Hinata said, looking up and smiling. Kageyama pulled Hinata into a bear hug, they stayed like. Kageyama pulled away, kissed Hinata, And then walked away. They hung out almost everyday, and went on dates every weekend. They were so in love, they couldn't spend a week without the other.

Thanks for reading!


Time skip!!

How Kageyama and Hinata Realized the Feelings are MutualDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora