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Hinata goes to confess to Kageyama




Since today is December third, this chapter will somewhat be inspired by the song "Heather" by Conan Gray!

My cousin helped me write this chapter! check out her Wattpad: Kuroos_Evil_Laugh

and Quotev: Raven


Hinata started walking back to his house thinking about the recent events with Kageyama. Getting drunk, making out, going to sleep almost naked? And then today? He was 99.9% sure that Kageyama likes him. But, there was still that .1% that was not so sure. So Hinata being Hinata, decided to ask around. First he asked the one and only, Tsukishima Kei. Why? Because Tsukki has a whole separate phone for his blackmail pictures and facts, that's why. He texted Tsukki when he got home.




What. I'm studying for my final, and you should be too.


I have a question. Does Kageyama like me??


well, yeah he does. It's kinda obvious.




well, if you don't beleive me, here:

Tsukki sent three attachments

Tsukki sent three attachments

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You see the way he looks at you?? I'm going to go study more, bye

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You see the way he looks at you?? I'm going to go study more, bye.

   Hinata looked at his phone in awe, he had never realized that before. Well, actually he did, a few times actually. When they were in the changing room, Kageyama would stare, when they were in class, Kageyama would stare. When they were almost anywhere, Kageyama would stare. its not nesearilly about the staring, it was how he did it. Kegeyama always, ALWAYS stared at hinata with a glint of longing in his eyes, as if he wanted to be with Hinata at all times. Hinata thought that that was just Kageyama just being a weirdo, but now that he thought about it, it's true. But, just to be safe, he would ask one more person, Suga. Suga is the one person on his team that is super honest, and will tell him the truth.

He called Suga.

"Sugawara Senpai I have a question!"

"Whats up, Hinata?" Suga replied

"Does Kageyama like me?"

"Of course he does! He is ALWAYS staring at you, and he has eased up on the name calling and teasing, he also blushes whenever you smile at him, or generally just acknowledge his existence. He ALWAYS tells EVERYONE how much he likes you! wait... did you just notice?"

"Yeah! He makes my hears go all 'GWAAAAAH' and my stomach go 'FWOOSH'" Hinata yelled through the phone

"Haha! thats Cute! you should go talk to him!"

"Okay! Thanks mom!" Hinata said as he hung up. He realized what he had just said and got embarrassed. Suga also realized what Hinata said and put his hand on his face and giggled.

   Hinata was skipping to Kageyama's house and the butterflies in his stomach were doing backflips, He was going over there to confess, after all! He was about five minutes away from Kageyama's house and had to stop and calm down before he continued on. He finally made it to Kageyama's house and saw something he wished he didn't. He saw a gorgeous blonde girl through the window, clearly flirting with Kageyama. She was hugging him and visibly laughing, Kageyama was laughing along with her. They looked like a couple? Oh. OH. Hinata's eyes welled up with tears as he sat down on the ground and curled up into a ball, knees up to his chest, arms resting on his knees and his face hidden in between his arms and chest. He started crying. He was trembling with anger and sadness. GOD DAMNIT WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN?

   He looked up and at the window again only to se Kageyama looking out of it, strait at him. they locked eyes just long enough for him to see that Hinata was crying. Kageyama ran to the front door, but before Kageyama could even step off of the porch, Hinata got up and ran. he ran and ran and ran. the tears were rolling down his face and he was struggling to breath. He made it to his house and blocked Kageyamas phone number. How could he be so stupid to think that Kageyama could actually like, maybe even love, him? Kageyama was way out of his league, that explains that beautiful girl at his house. Hinata was done. He hated Kageyama. He hated him for his stupid good looks, for his warm and welcoming eyes, the way that he only showed his true self around him... FUCK HE COULD NEVER HATE HIM! HE LOVED THAT IDIOT! AND HE THOUGHT KAGEYAMA LIKED HIM BACK! thats what a kiss means, right? Why would Kageyama even kiss him? He wanted to go back before that stupid party, and never even go. Hinata fell asleep crying that night, thinking about what he is going to do when he sees Kageyama at practice tomorrow.






Kageyama POV

chapter will be short, it starts off when Kageyama is goofing off in his house with the blonde girl.


School has been HELLA stressful but I will keep trying to upload daily!

How Kageyama and Hinata Realized the Feelings are MutualWhere stories live. Discover now