Her hair was soft

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[ Avi's POV ]
Her head lightly flopped onto my shoulder followed by a soft sigh of content. I had completely forgotten that she was leaning on me in the first place.
I dropped my head to the side to look at her face.

Shapely in the best way.
Small, cute features. Dimples that defined her cheeks.
No makeup except for eyeliner, that gave her hazel rimmed eyes a smoky effect. She thought the liner took people's gaze away from the spots.
But they are what makes her unique.

I guided her black drooping fringe away from her face and gazed downward.
She grunted and I had what felt like a mini heart attack.

When sleeping, her dreams always seemed so dangerous and violent.
Although, When we talk, she always seems so sweet and full of life.
Even so, I know she's been through a lot.

"Poor worn out soul," I whispered as I tucked the stray hair behind her delicate ear.
Her eyelashes immediately flickered and I flinched.
She then grunted a second time in, which seemed to be an annoyed response to my sudden movement.
After a while I realised how strange it was for me to keep staring down on her like this, this made me uncomfortable. She finally let out another content sigh. I felt drawn in.
I let out a deep chuckle.

The body heat we were sharing must have settled her unnerving dreams, I concluded when she sunk into my side.
I couldn't help but automatically lay my arm round her shoulder.

A subconscious smile spread across her sleeping face as she rested her arm on my rising chest.
...i didn't know how to react.

It was then that I realised the film that we had been watching had now started over. Luckily, we had set the volume fairly low, as to not disturb the neighbours.
I think the mumbling voices comforted her anyway.

I gazed down again at the fixture of her face.
After all this time of wondrously staring at it, I have newly found that I have fallen in love with it.
Why had this taken so long when it had been so obvious?

One piece of dark, dyed hair sprawled itself over her exhausted face.
I swiftly proceeded to brush if back behind her ear with my hand.
And I took in the shapes of her now revealed jaw line and neck.

Black really is the colour of my true loves hair.

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